
Wednesday, March 3


I must admit I have a slight crush on DMC colour variation 4160. I was unable to catch the gorgeousness of this floss in the photo I just made. (Even though spring is in the air and the sun makes all photos look better!) This floss is incredibly subtle in it's colours, ranging from hints of yellow to the palest of pinks.

I'm using quite a lot of it in my second Hoop up! Stitch and Send project with a 'Japanese Garden' theme. A project which I started with confidence, then I lost the plot a bit. But after some un-picking and re-stitching I'm totally happy with how it's looking right now.

In other news: last week I got a question if the 'Alphabet Tree' pattern was also available in a 'boy' version. I actually had made sketches for that last year, so I think I will work these out to a 'real' pattern. I'm even working on a second 'boy' pattern now and I'm very excited about it. Will show more of that new pattern soon!

Hope you are all enjoying the warmer spring or cooler autumn weather now. :)


  1. ooooh, it does look very pretty!!!!

  2. That IS a pretty floss color. I get all flustered when I go to Michael's and see all the variegated flosses...I just don't know which ones I should buy, they are more expensive after all. I think someday soon I shall just bite the bullet and buy the variegated variety pack so I don't have to wonder anymore. I saw Alphabet Tree completed by My 1st Bambina, what a precious pattern, perfect for little ones' rooms. I would definitely be interested in a boy's version as all the babies in my life right now are boys.

  3. thanks ladies!
    Melody, this isn't a variegated floss but a colour variation floss (just in case you were going to look for it in the craft shop). I do have all variegated dmc's too btw, I think I used them all except the bright (bright!!!)orange one.

  4. Nicole, this piece is looking beautiful, Loving all the different elements in it.

  5. Agh! I went to buy some after this, and they didn't have it at the store! Grr. I'll have to look at Hobby Lobby.

  6. Hi Nicole! What's the difference between variegated and color variation? I'm still learning...

  7. WOOPS: I just realized the answer...variegated is tones of one color while variation is different colors...sorry!

  8. This is lovely - I really like these subtle shades!

  9. lovely flower with the color variation floss, i've only used variation (or variegated?) once, for a tea towel, i used a creamy, light blue, light purple floss on the igloo to make the igloo and scene and mood of the piece (hee hee) look more chilly and cold rather than just outlining the igloo in black.

    i see beautiful dmc color variation/varigated flosses but am at a loss as to how to use them properly.

  10. I have no idea how to use them properly either, I just stitch and see what happens! :)

  11. It's very pretty. I'll have to see if I can find it on our shop here. :-)

  12. I would love to see a "boy pattern" too, though I have always understood that, with two daughters, you tend to think in terms of cute little girls :)
    I had three sons though, and now there are twins "for me", one of each, as you know :)


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