
Tuesday, January 5

From scraps to squares...and from squares to triangles

Around Christmas time I started sorting through my 'leftovers' and scraps from projects I've done in the last two years. They were more or less sorted by colour in Ziplock bags and in the past weeks I've -almost frantically- been cutting squares from the scraps. These cutting sessions have been most therapeutic and I'm not done yet either. :) The sizes range from 2,5 inch to 5,5 inch. I've already sewn some of the smallest pink and green squares together to make a small bag similar to this one on the wonderful Pink Penguin blog. I had spotted the wonderful patchwork fabric basket tutorial there a while ago and I'm definitely going to make one this year.

I also started on a new quilt. Of course it's yet again a mixture of colours, designs and designers. There is some of that luscious My Happy garden fabric, some of Heather Ross' Mendocino, a touch of Saffron Craig's Dandelion Circles, an aqua Kei Honeycomb dot, some of Tula Pink's Hushabye duckies and Sandi Henderson's Farmers Market Paisley fabric. Originally I planned to simply sew lots of 6.5 inch squares together but somehow it didn't look right. So while I was reading the awesome Value Quilts Tutorial  (another tutorial I really really want to give a go this year!) I got the idea to make my squares into triangles and sew them together into these blocks. I'm quite pleased with the result so far. :)


  1. That quilt is going to be gorgeous!

  2. Looking great! The Value Quilt is on my to do list too!

  3. That is going to be a supercute quilt! That is the first time I've seen the Value Quilt but I can't put another thing on my list this year, no matter how tempting.

  4. Thanks ladies! What I'm making now is not exactly a Value Quilt, I'm just using the technique here mentioned in the tute of sewing two squares together and cutting them diagonally to make two squares again. Wow, that sounds like a lot of nonsense better read the Value Quilt Tutorial! :)


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