
Wednesday, January 13

Yay for me, I'm in a magazine!

Well at least my Alphabet Tree pattern is in a magazine! Dutch magazine Flow (which happens to be a lovely magazine too, which you can tell from the cover on the right even though you shouldn't judge stuff by their cover I know...) put it in their monthly Internet Shopping Guide. With the wrong price and I would rather have had my new link there but still I'm pretty excited about it. :)


  1. That's so cool! Congratulations, Rock Star!

  2. Wonderful accomplishment ! CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS !!!!

  3. en via Flow kom ik dan toch hier terecht, dus het werkt wel! :)
    Ik vind je boom-meisje superleuk en overweeg het aan te schaffen, wil het niet dat ik nog nooit zo'n 'groot' project heb geborduurd. Maar dit is misschien wel het moment?!
    Mooie dingen maak je!
    tot snel,
    groetjes Muriel

  4. Thanks all!
    @ Muriel, kijk dat zal dan het 'Flow' effect zijn! Ik heb er in mijn winkel nog niet veel van gemerkt overigens ;) Het patroon is niet super veel werk vind ik zelf maar een uurtje of 8 was ik er wel zoet mee geloof ik... (niet in 1x maar over een paar dagen verdeeld)

  5. That's so great!! Very happy for you! :)

  6. oh, yay indeed! That's great!!!

  7. a huge hurrah for you!!!!! were you surprised too or did you know that you were going to be featured?

  8. Thanks ladies! :)
    @Bethie no, I wasn't surprised because they had asked me for photos but they couldn't guarantee at the time if it would actually be published. This morning there was a copy of the magazine in my mailbox. I thought it was very considerate of them to send me an issue as it's only a tiny spot in the magazine. :)

  9. Very cool!! Congrats, Nicole :).

  10. That's great, you deserve it! Your patterns are wonderful.

  11. Gefeliciteerd, ik had het al gezien, leuk!

  12. That is super - congratulations!!!

  13. Thanks all for sharing my excitement about this! :)

  14. Yay for you Nicole! The editors must have great tasted selecting your sweet pattern. It looks like a lovely mag.


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