
Sunday, February 7

Afternoon at the museum

Can you go to a 'real' museum with a 4 and 9 year old and actually have an enjoyable time? We spend most of our Sunday afternoon at the local Art museum (it's called Boijmans-van Beuningen) with both of the girls and it was great!

Photos of art by van Gogh, Degas and Nauman  were printed on the tickets and Luna loved looking round the museum to see if she could spot them. We found two of them, van Gogh and Degas. Strangely enough we didn't spot the large object by Bruce Nauman.. Of course there was much giggling at the nudity of some of the mythical themed paintings and the bronzes. We also did 'spot the cow' in 16 th century paintings and let the girls describe what they saw on 17th century 'still life' paintings (a lot of grapes I can tell you). Next time we visit the museum I must get them each a sketch book and pencil so they can 'copy' a painting or artwork in the museum. I'm interested in what they will choose and how their masterpiece will turn out. :)


  1. That sounds like so much fun :).

  2. It was! We skipped the contemporary art section though because I would have had a hard time explaining stuff to the kids that I don't even understand myself!


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