
Wednesday, February 3

Bunny and the mysterious case of the missing transfered image

I'm so excited about the pattern I'm working on that I could not resist to show you a sneak peek! It will definitely be in the shop before the kids Winter Break starts in a week or two (during which my shop will be closed).

To transfer the image to my fabric (in this case an old sheet) I used DMC Embroidery Tracing Paper. Following the instructions I put the tracing paper with the coloured side (it was blue) on the fabric. On top of that I put the printed pattern and traced it with a ball point. Well, not just traced it, I had to push real hard in a paper-ripping kind of way to get anything transfered. I ended up with a not too clear transfer of my pattern and now after a day or so it's rapidly disappearing! Before they are completely gone I'm retracing the lines on the fabric with a normal grey pencil.

Meanwhile my update for the Princess and the Pea pattern is finished so if you were waiting for that head over the shoppe to purchase one! My shop is exactly one year old this month and  I'm planning an exciting giveaway. It will be so crazy good that I want to enter myself! I shall announce the giveaway on Twitter, this blog and Facebook so you make sure you follow me on one those and I will keep you informed.


  1. Hi Nicole-

    I had similar problems with the transfer paper I use. Until I started putting a magazine under the fabric. For some reason, a hard surface, like a table, makes the paper not work properly.

    So before giving up on transfer paper completely, give a magazine a try. :-)

  2. oh thank you! I will try that. The set also came with transfer paper for dark fabric and I'm very interested in how that will turn out!

  3. If you use a stylus instead of a pen it will probably not rip through your paper and you won't have to draw all over your pattern either. I found my stylus in with the sewing (not embroidery) stuff at Michael's (not sure if you have that where you are though).

  4. Also, I am new to stitching and have only been following your blog for about a week, but your work is just beautiful, I stitched up your free bee pattern last week. I think I will have to purchase something from your etsy store soon.

  5. hi Melody, we don't have a Michaels over here, actually I can hardly find any good craft stores here and I buy most of my stuff online, often in the States(especially way too much fabric!)The stylus is a good idea though. Very curious how your bee turned out, if you are on Flickr or Facebook you can post it in my group. :)

  6. Oh no! That happened to me last time I was embroidering a beautiful and very detailed picture. I put it down for a few days and boom, the middle part of the transfer vanished! It was too far gone to save and I had done so much work on it. I was gutted. I hope you can save yours!

  7. Your blog has changed colour! I like it! :-)
    I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this pattern...I *know* it's going to be gorgeous!

  8. What an interesting figure this little girl is (embroidered one!) Thanks for the warning about that transfer method!
    Is the light blue fill a long & short method, or is it lines of stem stitch? I love the latter- very nice rhythm for stitching!

  9. Annmary, the light blue stitches are simply rows of back stitches next to each other. I have never thought of using the stem stitch (or the way I perform it is an outline stitch) as a fill stitch. Good idea! How's your 'Vogel' coming along? Are you using the 'original' flower or one of the added ones?

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