
Tuesday, February 9

Follow the White Bunny's One Year Shop-versary Giveaway!


Comments are closed, winner shall be announced shortly!
A year ago I started out my Etsy shop on a whim. First I had two little water colour  paintings for sale and shortly after that my very first Embroidery Pattern (the one pictured above, it's still available). Only one pattern in the shop, it must have looked quite empty!
I'm so very grateful to all of the customers that came to my little shop and supported me, some more than once, during that first year. My heart still makes a little jump when I get a sale, it really means a lot to me that people like my designs!

As you may know, most of my patterns are also available through Magpie Patterns. Magpie Patterns offers some of the loveliest embroidery, sewing, knitting and crochet patterns and books by independent designers. For this Giveaway, Amy of Magpie Patterns has generously offered  25$ worth of patterns or books from the Magpie Patterns site to the winner of this Giveaway! (except shipping)
So get your self a nice cup of tea,  have a look around and see what Magpie Patterns has to offer, then come back to this post and tell me in the comments what you would do with your 25$  :)  I'm sure the lovely stuff you will find there will make you want to start a new project right away. As Amy says 'a work-in-progress basket' is really meant to overflow!

Only one entry per crafty person and please leave some kind of trail (blog or e-mail whatever) so I can find you if you are indeed the lucky winner. Comments will close this Saturday the 13th of February 8.00 p.m. Amsterdam time! The winner will be chosen at random from the entries.


A big BIG thank you to Amy of Magpie Patterns for sponsoring this giveaway! :)



  1. I am so happy and proud that you have had your Etsy shop for a year now! I know you will continue your success in the upcoming years. You are so talented and your designs will never go out of style.

    This is a very generous giveaway! Magpie Patterns is full of sweet things! Right now I'm loving:

    *Il Circo Pattern Set by SeptemberHouse
    *Seedling Trio by SeptemberHouse
    *Alice Rabbit by You <3
    *Any of the cute animal / alphabet patterns from Penguin & Fish
    *The Mr. Fox & Ms. Rabbit patterns by Bird & Little Bird

    So much cuteness!!

    Hugs & Stitches,

  2. I'd buy Sewing Green. I've been eying that book for awhile and got a good look at it at Borders the other day. NOW I want it. :)

    I love your patterns and I can't believe that you've been doing this for only a year. You're such a sweety, you deserve all the success.

  3. What a great giveaway! I would probably get the Emmeline apron pattern (been drooling over it for ages), and the bolero knitting pattern, that looks really cute. THanks for the chance at winning!

  4. I love the Phydeaux Designs Asterique Cowl, and the seedling trio by SeptemberHouse. I'm also in love with just about every single embroidery pattern, especially Nicole Vos van Avezathe's hibernating hedgehog. Too cute! Great giveaway! Thanks so much!


  5. Happy anniversary! What a great giveaway. I'd never seem Magpie patterns and I'm so glad you pointed it out.

    I really like the Imagine Knits, London Calling pattern. The Sewing Green book looks really cool. And the embroidery patterns are all great, I especially like Nicole Vos van Avezathe's Follow Me.

  6. appy Anniversary!! I just realized how much I love Magpie Patterns!

    I would love to use the gift certificate for Princess and the Pea embroidery pattern, the Alphabet Tree embroidery pattern, and Il Circo embroidery pattern. Or some sewing patterns – I just love the Campfire by Sweetie Pie Bakery!
    Thank you for all that you do!!

  7. Congratulations on your anniversary!! There sure are a lot of beautiful patterns over on the Magpie site, so it was difficult to choose.... but I would choose:

    * Princess and the Pea by you :)

    *Il Circo by September House

    * Emmeline Apron by Sew Liberated

    Congratulations again! I just opened my shop about a week or so ago...hopefully it will last as long as yours :)


  8. thanks for the link to magpie patterns - as well as lots of lovely patterns i'd love a copy of the japanese patchwork book

  9. Homemade Handmade looks fun!!! I am hoping it has a skirt pattern. I have looked high and low for an easy cute pattern!!

    But of course I would love embroidery patterns!!!

    Congrats on your one year with Etsy!!!

  10. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I love just about everything I've seen on Magpie so far. Wow! I would probably choose a few of your patterns (they're already on my to-do list), Il Circo by September House, and some of the alphabet from Penguin and Fish. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  11. Congratulations! I'm glad to have found the person behind the wonderful embroidery I've seen featured on other blogs!
    If I were to win I'd love to have the hibernating bear pattern, three kitchen fairies, and the seedling trio. :D

  12. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway, and thanks to Magpie Patterns as well. How is it that I hadn't heard of this shop?? I'm glad you brought it to my attention. So much great stuff, all in one place. With $25 I would probably stock up on a few of your patterns (prob. Cherry Blossom & Jackalope) as well as some Penguin & Fish ones (love the hedgehog, the owl, the raccoon, the fox and the unicorn!) Congrats on your 1-year shopiversary!

  13. Congrats with your shop, that many more years will follow!!
    My favorites:
    sewing - Side pocket bag (free as a sidepurchase) and the School days Jacket/Coat from Oliver+S
    knitting -
    reversible knits!! Unique book!

  14. Oh, it would be so hard to choose! I think I'd go for some of the sweetie pie bakery patterns. My girls love felt play food. Congrats on your blog anniversary!

  15. Woo woo! A whole year! Well done. :-) I still remember that email you sent me saying that you had a dream that you opened an etsy shop and sctually sold something!
    What would I choose...hmmm...probably the Hand-Stitched Felt book, or maybe the Material Obsession one.

  16. Congratulations! I love your work! Keep up the beautiful designs!

    My mind is in overload at the beauty of the designs on Magpie as well!

    Great work!

  17. I just discovered your blog, and I love it. I'm so inspired!! Congrats on your success!

    If I won the $25 gift card I would purchase:
    Jane Richmond's, Oatmeal Pullover
    Stitch Poet's All Ruffled Up
    and the
    Alice Rabbit
    Princess and the Pea and
    Follow Me embroidery patterns.

  18. So many choces - I love the Modern Quilts with Traditional Roots, but would rather be embroidering, so I would no doubt get the Anteater, Hibernating Bear and probably the Gothic Grandeur! If there's anything left, Jackalope and Follow Me. No, wait - Follow Me first, then Anteater. . . Oh! It's so hard to choose!

  19. Congratulations on a year of business! I'd chose the following:
    Beinet skirt ($12)
    + Alice Rabbit ($3)
    + Mr. Fox ($10)

    = $25 and one very happy craftser!

  20. Congrats on your big anniversary!

    With $25 I would most definitely get the Il Circo pattern, as my daughter is obsessed with 'choo choos' and your Princess and the Pea pattern as I've been itching to stitch it since it first came out. Also, your Alice Rabbit design and the Hibernating Hedgehog would both be a must!

  21. Mary Margaret Peachey10 February 2010 at 15:52

    Congratulations! I'm so glad I found you; your patterns and blog make me Happy! And now you've sent me over to Magpie Patterns, another joy-inducing site! If I'm lucky enough to win, I would get the Poema sweater pattern knit up for my youngest girlie, the 2+2 pattern from Oliver + S, and the Hibernating Hedgehog pattern by you! I'm currently stitching Follow those critters!
    Thank you for the giveaway! I'm looking forward to *following you* for years to come! :)

  22. I adore your pattern! Congrats on a year of business! I think I would get your,

    "Follow me" $4.00
    "pindsvin" $3.50
    "Under the Ivy pattern" $3.50

    and maybe a few of your letter patterns.. ( LOVE THEM!)

    and the Il Circo Pattern Set $ 6.00

    Thanks so much for the give away! I would have so much fun making these! :)

  23. Well, congrats! I've just found you recently, perhaps in the past month and a half, but do enjoy your posts & patterns.

    I'd probably get the Katje pattern for my mother-in-law, a knitter.

    For my crocheting sister, the MarianneS crocheted flower, because she's tired of making scarves for people!

    Finally, for myself I would HAVE to get your Jackalope pattern to make something for Dad with (family joke!), as well as your Pindsvin for my tea cozy. :) Do I have anything left...? If so, the Cherry Blossom pattern. It's so lovely.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  24. I just love your Vogel pattern. It is just so delicate and lovely. Congratulations on your anniversary. May you have many more years of creativity.

  25. Congrats on all of your success, Nicole - it's well deserved!!
    I think I would have to get your hibernating bear pattern (love it!), the Colette Patterns Beignet skirt, and maybe a Sublime Stitching pattern to round it out!

  26. Wow! I'm glad to hear that it's 1 year already Nicole, I really love your patterns and enjoy to stitch them.

    I have never been in Magpie and I just got amazed seeing the wonderful items she has to offer.

    I start to collect craft books and I loved the Lena Corwin Printing by Hand, A Modern Guide to Printing.

    It's a new adventure that I would like to try !

  27. Your patterns are really beautiful. They make me want to take up embroidering again.
    However, if I could choose anything from Magpie, that would be the book "Sewing Green" by Betz White or "Fabric Gifts" by Cynthia Treen.

  28. I'd end up spending it all on embroidery patterns: yours and Sublime Stitching!

  29. Okay, wow, so many things I would buy, defos the Asterique Cowl, so pretty! And I agree with the previous poster, I'd love to give embroidery another go - normally don't have the patience but your patterns are so whimsical I'm inspired!
    Thanks for such a lovely giveaway :)


  30. I just found your blog and I love it! I've already bought one of your patterns and would love to have more!

  31. Just this morning I was thinking that I'd like to try my hand at embroidery again when I was leafing through 'the gentle art of domesticity'. Your designs are so beautiful. Congrats on one year of the shop.


  32. Wow, what a great give away! Well, since I am a newbie stitcher, I am in the pattern junkie phase, meaning I love to look at lots of pretty patterns and wish I had them. I got into stitching because I suddenly had ample time due to being laid off a few months ago, so while I love to dream about patterns I don't have a lot of money to purchase the lovely things...My favorites on the Magpie are definitely your Pindsvin, Follow Me, and September House's Il Circo. There are some babies in my life that I think would benefit from some wall art made from these beautiful pattens :)

  33. Congratulations on your anniversary - I love your patterns and can't believe you've only been doing it a year. As a very new embroiderer, your Princess and the Pea design is the first one I've bought online - though I haven't yet dared tackle it, because I want to improve my technique so I can produce something lovely for my friend's little girl. I've always satisfied my creative urges with words, as I am no good at drawing, but now I've discovered embroidery patterns, I can make such sweet things without feeling the need to apologise for my lack of artistry! And an embroidery project takes so much less time to finish than a novel...

    I've never visited Magpie before and so I've discovered some brilliant new designers - I think if I was lucky enough to win, I'd end up in danger of supplementing my prize with a few extra Euros/Dollars of my own... So far my shortlist is:

    - Il Circo - how cute are those? They will turn into pillows for my three nephews, to help them get over the shock of having to start sharing a bedroom!
    - Alphabet Tree - a wall hanging for their room, to encourage them to read books as well as computer screens... (the eldest and middle boy are both showing an early interest in girls so maybe that will give them an extra incentive)
    - And finally, pushing me into spending those dollars of my own, the adorable-looking Hand Stitched Felt book - I don't have a sewing machine (they scare me a bit) but I love the idea of making something 3D too, so this would be perfect...

    Thanks again for the blog and the competition. I started my new hobby in the dead of winter, when I was feeling pretty low about all sorts of things, but discovering so many wonderful craft pages and resources on the web doesn't fail to put a smile on my face.

  34. I would definitely get the Frog Prince since my daughter just saw the movie and the Alice rabbit, since Alice in Wonderland is coming out! I also liked the Danger Craft knitting patterns, cute adorable monsters!
    Congratulations on a year of success!

  35. Awesome giveaway! I would get the circus patterns, the princess and the pea and maybe a few sublime stitching patterns that I don't already have.

  36. Hi,

    Congratulations on your first year! Your blog is really nice and all the things you make are really beautiful!

    If I won, I would get something pretty for my girlfriend, or a pattern so she could make something pretty herself - for our new house :)



  37. Congrats on one year!

    I'm quite new to embroidery and would get the Sublime stitching Dutch Russian set. My Mum always wanted Russian dolls and I'd love to make her an apron with them.

    Also the Il Circo pattern. So sweet!

  38. Congrats on your one year anniversary. Your patterns are very pretty!

    I really like the following...

    --Under the Ivy by you :)
    --Three Kitchn Fairies - Joy
    --Nicole Vos van Avezathe
    Hibernating Bear
    --September House Seedling Trio

  39. my! that's a lovely giveaway! thanks. there's so much goodness over at magpie!

  40. I would order the churchmouse ruffle scarf pattern and the japanese patchwork book!

  41. Comments are closed! Thank you for participating :)

  42. I'm so behind on blog reading so I missed congratulating you. What a wonderful year it's been. I love seeing more and more of your sweet patterns in blogland. Happy anniversary to you Nicole!


I <3 comments, so don't be shy!