
Saturday, February 13

Ye Olde Random Number Generator has spoken....

Thank you all for taking part in my Etsy-versary Giveaway! Ye Olde Random Number Generator, which is powered by two fast cycling squirrels not pictured here, has spoken. There were 40 entries and the Generator has picked no. 16 which is: AmelieandAtticus! Congratulations, please contact me so you can pick out 25 $ worth of books/and or patterns at MagpiePatterns!


  1. That's a very interesting looking machine. next time you use it make sure you take a photo of the squirrels too. ;-)

  2. They were just on a coffee break when I took the photo ;) It's very hard work you know generating random numbers!

  3. WOOOHOOOO...yes you did make my valentines day especially special!!!! Thank you so much and thanks to the Random Number Generator, not only do you look awesome you did a great job!


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