
Wednesday, March 31

Super simple summer skirt

Today I finished this super simple summer skirt for Luna. It is based on the Oliver + S  Lazy days skirt pattern which you can download here for free.  The pattern says to use a ribbon at the hem but I added a border in another fabric. I thought about making a ruffled border but the Fairy Tiptoes birdies would have been hardly visible then. I was especially surprised with how nice this Momo Wonderland fabric looked on a girlie skirt like this! I think I will make an appliqued t-shirt with some of the Momo fabric as well. :) Another great and easy girls skirt tutorial is the Twirly skirt pattern which you can find here.

As you may have noticed the votes for  my 'giveaway or freebie pattern' poll are closed. Thank you all for voting. :) I really enjoyed doing a poll, so I'll have another one soon. The majority chose a freebie pattern so a freebie pattern it will be! I will probably post it in the next 7 days. I have an idea for one but if you think you have a really good idea too leave a comment.


  1. This is beautiful, thanks for sharing, I would have loved this as a child. I'm very tempted now to make one for a friend's daughter, she would adore it for summer.

  2. Love love love that little skirt. If only my little girl was still little :(

    Ginger gets called a girl all the time - maybe I should make him a skirt?!

  3. Thanks ladies! This is really a super easy pattern and someone less clumsy than I can probably make one within 1 hour!
    @Katy, why not try to make a nice pair of trousers for the little Ginger one. Take a break from all those quilts!

  4. might have to give this one a shot.....but then again I could just admire yours its wonderful!

  5. Oh this is a great skirt. I love the fabrics you have chosen sure to be a favorite!

  6. So pretty, Nicole! How does Luna like it?? (I hope- very well!)


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