
Thursday, April 15

Embroidery Basket.

For my birthday my brother and his wife gave me this rather large rubber basket made of recycled tires. Most people would probably use it to keep wood for the fireplace or to store magazines in, but within a day this became my Embroidery Basket. Despite it's size, it's not big enough to keep all my embroidery stuff in. For now it's just the WIP's and some embroidery books.

You can also spot my new pattern which I started to embroider this morning. It's based on the Fox I embroidered for the embroidery swap I'm in, but it's not exactly the same design. More to be revealed soon! :)


  1. what a great idea! And your new pattern is looking interesting ;-)

  2. Great basket! I could never have enough of these. They get filled in a matter of minutes in this house :)

  3. perfect embroidery basket - who would want to get it dirty with nasty logs?!

  4. What a great idea, it will definitely withstand all the use it is getting!

  5. I have two or three baskets!! Have you seen "Fantastic Mr. Fox" with George Clooney as Mr. Fox? It is quite humorous!!

  6. @Miss Paula I have embroidery stuff all over the house too! I haven't seen the Fantastic Mr. Fox yet but I'm planning to. :)


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