
Saturday, April 3

Hop over...

to the wonderful Soulemama blog today. Because there is a Follow the White Bunny Sponsor giveaway going on right now! There is also a discount of 10% on orders until the 9th of  April (package deals not included) if you enter the code 'mamabunny' in comments to seller.

oh... and here is the Apple Pie my husband made for me this morning for my birthday. I wish I could share it with you all it was absolutely delicious!


  1. Hi! I am being "not shy" and leaving a comment. I came upon your blog from Soulemama and just wanted to say that your Princess and the Pea is stunning. Also, happy birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Nicole!! Mmmmm... appeltaart.... Hope you have a great day!

    (I lost my recipe... can I have yours? I do remember it was 3-2-1... But was that 3 flour to 2 butter to 1 sugar? or another combination...)

  3. H a p p y B i r t h d a y !
    The appeltaart looks yum! Lucky girl!
    Hope you will be spoiled to bits!

  4. Thank you all! :)
    Here's the Appeltaart recipe from a post I wrote last year:

  5. Happy birthday and happy appeltaart!!

  6. happy birthday! what a husband you have. apple pie for breakfast! what a keeper!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nicole!!! I hope you have had a lovely birthday-day today :).

    How fun to be featured on Soulemama's blog. I hope you get some shop sales out of it!

  8. Yum! And happy Birthday again! :-)

  9. I almost missed this. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    I hope your family spoiled you, the apple pie looks like a good start!


I <3 comments, so don't be shy!