
Monday, April 12

Pea Green Boat

Last week I found a plain white pillowcase in the heaps of (clean!) laundry and I felt it would look much better with an owl and a pussycat in a Pea Green Boat embroidered on it. I got out my new Sulky pen this morning and (because it transfers the image reversed of course) I simply turned around my printed pattern and traced the lines (which could be clearly seen on the back) with the Sulky pen. Ironed it on the pillowcase and I was impressed with the clear result. The lines were quite 'fat' (as you can see in the photos below) so it's maybe not ideal for delicate embroidery patterns but for this pattern it was perfect!

I choose DMC 470 to embroider the Pea Green Boat. In the photo I tried to capture a back stitch and

...a row of back stitches.  Looking very much forward to seeing your Owls & Pussycats!

I'm planning to include more stitching info and photos with my new patterns as well. At the moment I'm quite busy writing a piece about how to stitch Animal Furs which will go with the Sleeping Fox Pattern. After that I'm planning an Alphabet Tree Pattern (boy version) and I'm almost finished drawing a fun summer-y  pattern as well. 

I enjoyed the Owl and Pussycat pattern so much that I'm curious which other Nursery Rhyme Pattern you would like to see from me? (ehm...not sure if that would be a freebie though!)


  1. The sulky pen looks like it worked perfectly! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished embroidery. :-)

    How about Hey Diddle Diddle, the cat and the fiddle...

  2. Cant wait to see the finished stitcherie Im with Georgia Hey diddle diddle....or Baa baa black sheep....Mary had a little lamb oh we could go on forever

  3. This looks as if it will be fab, can't wait to see the finished item.
    A big hello as I am new to your blog. Kx

  4. So precious! I love, love, love your work. I know I've said it before, but still.

    As for a new fairytale... Rapunzel would be spectacular in her castle tower with her hair flowing over the side looking down at Prince Charming. I can't imagine how amazing your interpretation would be.

  5. I agree with the poster above. Rapunzel with chain stitched braids...castles, princesses, etc.

  6. Ladies, ladies! Order, order! Rapunzel is a fairytale not a nursery rhyme! I once attempted to draw a Rapunzel themed pattern maybe I should give it another go...

  7. I love this. My pal Jess had me recite O&P in full drama mode for her wedding. I think she needs tea towels for her anniversary.

    "The Animal Faire" has been circulating around my head these last few day. It's such an old song, but I appreciate any mention of baboons.

  8. Oh, you're right. How silly am I! Rapunzel isn't a nursery rhyme! D'oh!

    How about Jack and Jill? I bet you'd come up with a darling idea for that! Or something simple like Mary Had a Little Lamb? The Three Little Kittens Who Lost Their Mittens? Gah. So many adorable ideas.

    There was an old woman who lived in a shoe....

  9. Beautiful!

    I love Hey Diddle Diddle, but mostly for: and the cow jumped over the moon.

    And 3 blind mice!

  10. Very cute!!! I love their little boat. That green floss is one of my favourites too, it's so cheery to stitch with and perfect for spring.

  11. Well, truth be told, the Owl and the Pussycat is not a nursery rhyme either, it is a nonsense poem by the wonderful Edward Lear. He did some wonderful line drawings that might inspire some embroidery. Your owl and pussycat in the pea green boat are great.

  12. AJ you are absolutely right! There is much nonsense is many nursery rhymes too though. :)
    Muriel: LOL I know that poem but I'm not sure if I can make an embroidery pattern based on it!

  13. what a fab pattern!! I love the sulky pen .. can get them here in south africa!! I love how it is so dark and any detail is easily seen, though I have to ask does it wash off when u are done?? or is it a permanent thing??

  14. I would say it's semi-permanent transfer. It doesn't wash out that easily. Recently I had some fabric with a sulky 'misprint' (I forgot to reverse the pattern oops!) and after I washed the fabric in the washing machine the transfer was gone. But not many people would put their embroideries in the washing machine I guess. The lines do fade a bit when your working for a longer time on a piece. So long story short I try to cover my Sulky tracks when I embroider!


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