
Wednesday, September 22

Not sure

See this bear looks actually quite  nice stitched with only two strands of floss and a stem stitch. But after I finished the outline I started to fill stitch the bear's fur with lots of tiny stitches and now I'm not too sure if that was a wise decision. I do think it gives the bear more 'character' and it could turn out great when it's all finished but I'm not convinced yet. What would you do?


  1. I love the way fur looks in your patterns! So, my vote is Yes! Go 'fur' it! hehe

  2. Ooh, that is tough -- either way would look great and I know I'm not helping! Can't wait to see what you decide.


  3. I love your stitching:) I think that you should go for it and fill it in (it looked great in the sketch!). If you still dont like it, someone sure as heck will, and you can do an outlined bear again in a lot less time;) Unless youre like me and then never want to see that project again, lol.

  4. I think your fill stitching is fabulous -- not everyone can pull it off well, but you have a way with it.

    If you're not filling the love for how it's going so far, maybe pull out the fill stitching you started and try something different?

    Or maybe combine fill stitching with a tinting of some kind to get an effect similar to the drawn bear in the left side of your sidebar?

  5. *feeling the love* (not *filling* the love). Ugh!

  6. I'd have to say fill too because I always love the fur on your animals. I'm often too impatient for fills so I love looking at yours :)

  7. Thank you all so much for your input! :) I have started fill stitching the Bear and will show some of the progress in the next couple of days!


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