
Friday, September 10

Unfinished business

Most of the time me and my little Follow the White Bunny enterprise are hovering between 'hobby' (a very intensive hobby for which I sometimes get paid) and 'almost like a real business'. I guess I quite like being somewhere in the middle. I don't want to be overly commercial,  I only make stuff I genuinely like and I want to enjoy the process. While I can work perfectly well with a deadline when I work with others, it somehow does not work that way with my own patterns (released under the Follow the White Bunny banner). They  are not released on schedule but only when I think they are finished.

This week was a not so good week craft wise, so little progress was made on my pattern set of 3. Again lots of unpicking and restitching there. But I think it's coming together nicely. On the photo you see them on top of an unfinished quilt. I had put on the binding by machine and was hand sewing it on to the back but the corners turned out terribly wonky so half way in the process of unpicking it all I kind of...stopped. To be continued for sure sometime soon.

For sometime I had been admiring the fabulous mixed designer fabric bundles on Fabricworm. Many times I had put various bundles in my online basket and had put them back again (this is only something I do in online shops, I would never do that in a 'real' shop) but recently I couldn't resist any longer and purchased this 'grassy' bundle:

These are all half yard cuts and besides the lovely Tufted Tweets (the chair/couch with birds fabric) there are quite a lot of solids in this bundle. Which is good because I rarely buy solids. Anyway if any of you have a great idea for a (not too difficult) quilt pattern with these lovelies, please let me know!

p.s. thanks for all your votes in the poll. I will get back to you about that! I do think the new set ticks at least a few of the boxes (cute, small, set of 3)! Also I'm seriously thinking of doing a pattern with the Bear and the talkative Squirrel you see in the side bar. :)


  1. Yes, a very simple and beautiful one:

  2. Soo LUV the fabric. Especially the daisy print.


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