
Monday, October 25

Quilt a long (and already behind) and Challenge #3 the Chevron Stitch

Back in August (I think) a fun Quilt Along started on the Fat Quarterly Blog. I'm not sure why I didn't Quilt Along in the first place (probably because I already had two quilts in "progress") but when I saw the first quilts made from the (easy!) pattern of this Quilt Along I had to start my own quilt. I wanted a pink and orange quilt but somehow the prints and colours of the fabrics I had pulled from my stash didn't work well together so now it's more pink than orange with a yellow polka dot square. At first I thought I had made a mistake with the measurements but the blocks are supposed to be trimmed after they are assembled, so all is well. :) This will be a small version (lap quilt size) and for the backing I will use some of Anna Maria Horner's Folksy Flannels.

I have also been working on the Semi-Fantastic Mr.Fox from the cute Bird and Little Bird pattern. Mr. Fox is stuffed now (and I immediately ran out of poly fill) but he needs his limbs attached and eyes and a nose embroidered so he is still looking a bit....unfinished right now. I will show him when he's ready to present himself to world! The pattern is very easy to follow by the way and he would make the cutest Christmas present. He's a good size too, I think 15 inches or so.

Friday night I took on my Embroidery Stitch Challenge for this week. Usually I do not embroider much after dark but I have borrowed my mum's Daylight Lamp and it's awesome! I was surprised how different the light was from a 'normal' lamp. Now I want one for myself. :) This weeks challenge was the Chevron Stitch. It wasn't too challenging and I managed to get a pretty decent result after only one try.  I guess it's a nice stitch to make a decorative border or something but I would be surprised if it would pop up in my embroideries often!


  1. I am still hoping to do that quilt along too! I really like the fabrics you have chosen.

  2. I had plans to do that quiltalong sometime too...sometime...whi knows when! I really liked one that I saw made all from solid fabrics. At the moment though I am up to by elbows in soapy water and oven cleaner and floor polish, so it will have to wait.

  3. Well you can both quilt along (or rather: quilt alone) another time too. :) It's a very simple but attractive design and it certainly looks stunning in just solids too. But I'm more of a patterned fabric kind of person I guess!

  4. LOve the prints you are using for the FQ quiltalong. I've got a stack of Nicey Jane that I am tempted to use now ;-)

  5. I had the Nicey Jane in my stash for a while now (and still have a couple of fq of the blue/green colourway) and wasn't sure what to do with it but I think it works great on these blocks. :)

  6. Cute quilt! And nice chevron stitch! There are quite a few of those type stitches that I feel like shouldn't be very hard, but I wonder just when/where I would use them.

    Though now I must say as I poke along on the my Princess and Pea, that I'm having fun finding new stitches for all her mattresses!

  7. that's beautiful. i love those colors.

    wow, 3 quilts at once sounds a little overwhelming! how do you have room for that- space, and your head?

  8. Well the unfinished quilts (in various stages) don't take up too much space. I keep them in large ziplock bags. I just can't resist starting new projects and as long as I also finish something once in a while it's o.k. to have several things going on!


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