
Tuesday, November 2

Autumn view from my living room & a not so succesful Cretan stitch experiment

This is my view from the living room. I'm sure I have previously posted similar photos taken in a different season but the Autumn view is especially nice I think! Even if it's a bit grey outside... With each gust of wind it 'rains' leaves. :)

I quite enjoyed learning the Cretan Stitch (Embroidery Stitch Challenge #4). It was really easy to master and makes a decorative stitch.  I tried a couple of variations by making one 'leg' of the stitch longer than the other but that didn't turn out too great. I was actually trying to make this stitch, in combination with last weeks Chevron Stitch, look like a bunch of colourful rooftops in a busy city but I'm probably the only one who sees rooftops in these wonky stitches. ;)

1 comment:

  1. You have such a great view! Autumn is my favourite season. :-)


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