
Sunday, November 14

Fabric Gollum makes bizarre quilt top

Do you know the nasty Gollum character from the Lord of the Rings books and movies? He can't part with the Ring and cries 'precious, my precious' all the time. Well I'm like that with some of my fabrics: all my Denyse Schmidt's Katie Jump Rope fabrics and most of my Heather Ross fabrics are preferably kept nicely folded in my cupboard and only allowed to be stroked not cut into! 

Yesterday however I thought it was time to let go of a few of my precious fabrics as I suddenly felt the urge to make a special lap quilt for someone (who will not be named as that person might read the blog) Somehow I came up with this rather bizarre combination of fabrics. I think it works and I really like it. But maybe I'm the only one so I would appreciate some (honest!) opinions! I was also very surprised how much I like the darker tones in this quilt top of the Heather Ross fabric with horses and Amy Butler's 'Love' fabric.The squares are rather big (8.5 inch) so I was able to put this together in a couple of hours.


  1. honestly, I like it ... I don't like things that are all matched and perfect. Love how the red, green and black pop out and the fact that you took some of your most very favorite fabrics and made a quilt for someone else ... well, it makes it even better!

  2. I like it to, I don't like quilts where the fabrics are all too similar to each other plus I have a soft spot for large square quilts, the simpler the better in my book!

  3. it definitely works! i love it! and i know what you mean about parting with precious fabrics...well done for being brave ;-)

  4. I like it! It looks like one of those vintage quilts that used fabric from wherever they could be found. It's not too matchy matchy and that's good. I like that I can recognize some of the fabrics used but not all of them. Anyway, there's my two cents.

  5. It's absolutely gorgeous; your recipient is very lucky!

  6. My precious! Haha.

    Trust you instincts Nicole. It's great!

  7. I, too, like the combo of fabrics and think it's a pretty quilt top.

    I'm not a quilter so don't know anything about how to properly finish one, but I'm thinking a darker binding would be prettier than a lighter one. My eye is drawn more towards the dark fabrics towards the inner part of the quilt and a dark binding would, I think, balance that.

  8. Thanks all for you nice comments about my quilt top. I also think a darker binding would be the better choice for this quilt. :)

  9. The binding will make the quilt. i would go with a stripe or dot that is dark so it will pop around the quilt! Have fun

  10. I love it! The colors and the prints compliment each other quite well.

  11. I'm embarrassed that my first day here I have to say "not a huge fan". :( I don't DISlike it, it's just that I feel sorta ~meh~ about it. I have a problem appreciating each square because they're rather discordant.

    Seriously though... I'll just go away with my tail tucked ;) And of course comment anonymously so no body can beat me up. ;)

  12. @Anonymous no worries, you can un-tuck your tail, I appreciate your honesty! I understand what you are saying too, really! :)


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