
Wednesday, November 17

Give away week 3: Castle Peeps Patterns!!!!

So for my final giveaway this year I have something special that I'm very proud of: the Castle Peeps Patterns I made in collaboration with Lizzy House! There are three prizes, one Royal Sampler pattern and two Bard Mini Quilt Patterns. Now recently, and I honestly don't remember where, I saw a giveaway on a blog for which you could not enter. The winner was chosen from comments on previous posts on that blog. Now I will do the same with one of the Bard Patterns. If you left a comment on my blog in the month of October you thereby unknowingly entered the Giveaway for this pattern! The winners of the other two patterns will be picked from the comments on this post. ( You cannot choose which pattern, sorry! )

So please leave a comment before Saturday the 20th of November 8 pm Amsterdam time, and tell me what your favourite book is and why. It can be a crafty book, a childrens book, a cook book or a novel. This year I kept a book log of novels I read. I have a preference for slightly Gothic books and modern literature so this may not be to every one's taste. The list is surprisingly short actually when I look at it, I will try and read more in 2011! 

Don't forget to leave a 'trail' (email, blog) so I can find you in case you win. If I can't find you within a week I will pick another winner. Good luck every one!


  1. My favourite book at the moment is Glimpses of New Zealand by Gail Lawther

  2. There's no way I could choose *a* favorite book (too many!!), but one I read recently and that I'll rank in my 2010 favorites is "The Dust of 100 Dogs" by A.S. King, which I believe is classified as a Young Adult book. Very creative storyline.

  3. Difficult one, I have so many favourite books and so many craft books! I've always found 1984 by George Orwell to be a special book as it stoked my love of the history of communist societies, but it is quite grim, hardly a relaxing read! A current favourite is the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the other books in the series, but my favourite book is often one I've just read!

  4. One of my favourite books is "The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, if you like Gotic books, this is your book, really! Thanks for this giveaway!! :)

  5. Oh my that's a very, very difficult question!!! I don't have 'a' favourite! I took a look to your list, haven't read any of those. Adn I looked to the other comments. I agree with wendy, the Millennium series is amazing, and I agree with Little Green Doll, you have to read 'The shadow of the wind'. I'm currently obesessed with the series 'wheel of time' by Robert Jordan.
    But, I think if I have to pick just one book it would be 'The count of Monte Cristo' by Alexandre Dumas!

  6. What a fabulous give away! I would love to enter.

    I have many favourite books, but my favourite, favourite one must be "The Brothers Lionheart " by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren.
    I know that's it's a children's book, but nevertheless Astrid Lindgren had the ability to write to the child within a grownup. She knew how to make the story fit both young and old ears. :))

  7. TH White" The once and future King", John Milton "Paradise Lost", Dostyevsky "White Nights" - and all the Harry Potter books! Strange mix, I know!

    Thanks for the giveaway - I love these patterns! Especially the letters ;)

  8. Pride and Prejudice is the first that comes to mind!!

    Simply because of the beautiful writing!

  9. So many books! I have favorites in every genre. I really like Pattern Recognition by William Gibson, and the ones that follow in that sequence. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Oh Yay! My favorite book is a Tree Grows in Brooklyn. It was the first book I can remember reading as a young adult. I loved how Frannie took care of her brother Neelie when their mom didn't and how mature Frannie was. My favorite scene is when they go at the last minute to get a Christmas tree and the seller hurls a tree at Frannie. I believe it was a contest more or less: if she caught it she got to keep it. The tree was huge and she caught it. They were poor and otherwise would not have had a tree that year. Anyway, it really spoke to me at the time.
    Thanks for offering the giveaway!

  11. I love The Giving Tree by Shel may be a children's book but it has complex topics and I used it when I worked with abused women to talk about limits. It has so many great discussions inside a little kids book! {junevintage (at) gmail (dot) com}

  12. Wow, I have many books that I love, but my all time favorite is Hilda Boswell's Treasury Of Children's Stories...I know, it's old, but I love the illustrations, it takes me to places I couldn't visit and so inspirational!

  13. Its hard for me to choose a favorite, but I have read Juliet Marillier's Sevenwaters books more than once which I think makes them among my favorites. For craft books Passing the Flame by Corrina Tettinger is my favorite Beautiful pictures and excellent step by step instructions!

  14. Anything by by Haruki Murakami, but especially 'The Wind-up Bird Chronicle'.
    You'd probably like this author ... his style is really very quirky, a bit dark and funny all at the same time!
    thanks for the giveaway! love your patterns!

  15. Wow, there are so many, I love the Sesame Street book "There is a Monster at the end of this Book" and "Blueberries for Sal". I also love anything by CS Lewis, "Narnia", "Out of Silent Planet" and "Til we have faces"

  16. Hmmmm, gotta say the Tolkien trilogy. Total nerd here. Thanks for a chance to win these awesome patterns!!

  17. One of my favourite novels is Margaret Attwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale', but I also love 'The Moonstone' by Wilkie Collins.

    Children's books - I really love the Anne of Green Gables books.

  18. Oh fun! My favorite book is Matilda, by Roald Dahl. When I was a little girl, I read it over and over. Recently, my mother bought me a first edition for Christmas, and I've had the pleasure of reading it out loud to my boyfriend while we were on vacation. I'm planning a Matilda tattoo for my arm as my Christmas present! :)

  19. Jane Eyre. I read it every year. Fabulous descriptions of place and time (even yicky places). And it sounds corny, but it's about the triumph of the spirit, and that soulmates are sometimes unexpected, and that your destiny isn't determined by birth or class.

  20. Thanks for the great give away Nicole! And what a fun idea to have everyone post their favorite book--makes me want to read them all :) Think my favorite right now would be "I'll love you forever".... Another children's book-- I loved reading to my kids when they were little. Special again now since my baby (25!) just moved out of state.

  21. Oh no, bad idea to ask me what my favourite book is! I'm a librarian and a book hoarder! Okay, how about two favourite authors instead? I love L.M. Montgomery and Jane Austen! One of the best books I read recently was March by Geraldine Brooks.

  22. Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. :)

  23. i love self help or informational i read this year i absolutely loved was
    what your student with autism wishes you knew

  24. My all time favorite book is "Like Water for Chocolate". Love the story, the food references, the recipes.

    Love, love, love your Castle Peeps alphabet. Saw it when you posted a little peek on flikr & loved it then.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  25. I love Gone With the Wind. It is so grand and emotional. Both my girls are named after things in the book!

  26. I love 'Ellen Foster'. Kathie L in Allentown

  27. My favorite book is the Bible. Does that count?? If not...Simple Abundance by Sarah ban Breathnach.
    What a great idea to ask everyone for their favorite book choice.

  28. I have enjoyed the whole series of No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency books by Alexander McCall Smith. They are charming and give a glimpse in to another pace of life.

  29. Very tough to pick just 1. But if i must, I suppose it is the book "Music for chameleons" by Truman Capote. The imagery he uses in his stories.....never leaves you.

  30. My favourite books that have stuck with me over the years are "Where the Red Fern Grows" by Wilson Rawls and "Le Petit Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

  31. My favorite book is "Down the Common: A Year in the Life of a Medieval Woman" by Ann Baer. It is exactly what it sounds likel! I found it to be a fascinating look into what medieval life was really like, instead of the romanticized view we tend to have. You know it's a good book when you get to the end and you are sad that it is over...I wanted to find out what happened next!

  32. I love Castle Peeps and I would love to win this! My favorite book is "The Time-Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. It's such a good read!

  33. Thanks for the lovely giveaways!
    Favorite book currently that I have read is by Louise Penny - A Fatal Grace - A Three Pines Mystery. Love mystery books

  34. i have a hard time picking favorites for anything, but one book that i've always loved is "the dive from clausen's pier." i tend to write down quotes from books that resonate with me, and i remember writing down numerous quotes from that book.

    thanks for the chance! your embroidery patterns are amazing!

  35. Great idea to ask for favorite books! But my problem: I have no absolute favorite ;) I like Harry Potter, I'ver read and reread the books from Raymond Feist, with every new part you discover hidden layers in the story in the previous parts. The books from Jean Auel are great and from Roald Dahl and the children books from Thea Beckman and Jan Terlouw and Evert Hartman...

  36. I love "Watership Down" by Richard Adams. I must have read it 15 times at least, and while it is a lovely story about fluffy babbits (baby rabbits that is) - it is a very dark story - which anyone who ever watched the cartoon as a child can confirm!

  37. Ooh - so hard, but the book I keep coming back to in my mind is The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova - it's a whoppingly good, dark, gothic vampiric (but not in that namby pamby twilight way) tale - thoroughly recommend it!

    Or ... the Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov - wonderful :)

  38. Ok, the best books that I read were back in high school. I hated reading. I could not find anything that I liked. I found a box of my oldest brothers books. In them was a series called The Black Berets by Mike McCray. I fell in love with them. They were very life like with the feelings of the men and the gore that happens with them as they try to fit into life after the black berets and find they cant. When I found those I could not read them fast enough. They got me started on really reading.

  39. Most recently, it is a Dog's purpose. great read for anyone who loves their four legged furry friends. . .

  40. I love the book This Is All I Ask.
    It is a romance, but it takes place in a medieval castle and deals with how a victim of abuse copes with being dumped on the doorstep of a fearsome earl with problems of his own. I love the bard, since I am a singer and guitar player.
    Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  41. ... I forgot part two of the comment. I loved the book because it is so different from the usual romance formula, and I loved all the characters.

  42. yay for a contest!

    my fave book is always 'a tree grows in brooklyn.' i love it, and even though it's my fave, i only re-read it once a year or so, that way it still seems new and like i'm reading it again for the 1st time. it's sorta a coming of age book, but i love the period it's set in and the description of the town/culture and eveything!

  43. I always have a hard time choosing a favourite book. Entirely too many to choose from! At this moment I want to say the Anne series by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Everyone is familiar with Anne of Green Gables, but I'm always surprised by how many people haven't read any of the others. I also love her short story collections set in Avonlea as well!

  44. My favorite book is, and probably always will be, Pride And Prejudice. I know it's one of those books everyone says they love, but in my case it is very true. I own many copies and have read each one many times.

  45. What a sweet giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

    My favorite book is a children's book that is now very hard to find. "Eugene, Why Don't you Paint?" is the story of a rainy day, a little boy, a can of paint and a mother's unconditional love. The last copy I came across was over $100!

  46. I guess I'd have to say Gone With the Wind is my favorite book, since I read it at least 3 times. My mother had a copy of it from when she was young, so I was able to keep it. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Leslie S. in MN
    esclante at comcast dot net
