
Friday, December 10

And what do you think?

I am not even sure when I started on this pattern but it surely is months ago and now I think I'm nearly finished..  The over all design hasn't changed that much from when I started. But I think the little changes I did make are so important. Stitching my patterns is an important step in the process, it allows me to refine them and finding out what works and what doesn't. What didn't work out quite as I imagined beforehand was the fur stitching on the Big Bear (I call him Bruun). I spent hours and hours on it but decided to start over and only used fur accents on my new version. It is never my intention to stitch very 'real' looking animals so I'm very happy with just these 'hints' of fur.
Detail of bear paw hints of fur
I didn't want to create a particularly autumnal feel with this pattern either which is why I chose these vibrant non natural colours for the circle of leaves and foliage around the Bruun & Squiirrel. And I so love the subtle pink lightly checked linen I'm embroidering on. Anyway I hope you liked this little insight in what I have been doing with this pattern. Would love to hear your opinion about it! :) As I try to take it easy the next couple of weeks and I have fun commission to finish as well it could take a couple of weeks before this pattern hits the shop.

Have you noticed that I used quite a lot of Bullion knots in this embroidery? I can do them quite quickly now and while some look better than others I'm  glad I added this stitch to my 'stitch repetoire'. Which brings me on this weeks 'Embroidery Stitch Challenge'. Last weeks Cable Chain Stitch was a disaster so I'm trying quite a different chain stitch this week: the Rosette Chain Stitch!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I'm going to try and make a new header for this blog now. The black header suddenly is depressing me!


  1. Waiting to see what you are going to do to the design of the blog!

    I am having my first giveaway on my blog - a gift card sponsored by CSN Stores. please do come over and enter

  2. the bear and squirrel are so cute and it does look like the squirrel is asking the bear a question! love it!

  3. Gasp! Adorable! your stitching is as always beautiful!

  4. Its adorable. Your bruun is fabulous with his wee bit of fur. I enjoyed the peek into yout process

  5. They're very cute little friends. I love the pink gingham too.
    The "hint" of fur works really well.

  6. I'm excited to see what your new header will look like. I keep meaning to make a "real" header for my blog but still haven't gotten around to it (two? three? years later!).

    I like how the bear turned out with just the accents of fur. It might be fun someday to have a contest in which folks submit ideas for what the squirrel's question to the bear might be =).

  7. Really nice pattern- I love the sense of interaction between the two animals! Good for you on the bullion knots, and that will be an interesting choice for the new challenge. I have found that one hard, in making it seem as though it will stay put! Must try again.


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