
Wednesday, December 22

So this is Christmas...

It's almost Christmas but the festive mood has left us a bit in the last couple of days. On Monday our guinea pig Pippin died. He was a very sweet and friendly animal and I already miss this small furry creature and the funny high pitched noises he made every time I opened the fridge. I couldn't bring myself to post a photo of him here because it would make me cry every time I look at my own blog.

Anyway, blog posts need a picture I think so I have included a 'happier' picture instead: my 'new' Art Deco cabinet. I'm going to store lots of my embroidery stuff in this cabinet. I have a large basket where I keep most of my WIP's and such in but a basket isn't so great to keep books and boxes of floss in. I bought this on a Dutch site which I guess is similar to Craigslist in the US.

Have you seen the poll results of the 'what 5 stitches should newbies learn first' poll? (It's in the side bar on the right) I was surprised by the Satin Stitch coming in third! But it is a lovely stitch. I did a lot of satin stitching last week which I can't show because it was for a  commission but I will share it when I can.

O.k. This will very likely be my last post before Christmas so I'd like to wish all  of you  a Merry Christmas and a wonderful, healthy and crafty 2011! Thanks for reading my blog, commenting & entering my giveaways (or contributing to them!) in 2010!


  1. I am so sorry to here your sad news, I know only too well how attached we become to the smallest creatures.
    I hope you can still find a little festive cheer though and wish you all the very best for 2011.
    PS the cabinet looks great!
    Jenny x

  2. So sorry you lost your Pippin, we lost our Pip the mouse just two weeks ago, I so miss hearing that little wheel running all night!

    Love that cabinet, a perfect spot for your polar bear. Wishing your entire family a Merry Christmas!

  3. Awww, Nicole, I am sorry to hear that your little Pippin has gone. xxx

    The cabinet is lovely - looks great with your bear too!

    Happy Christmas to you and Erik and Zoe and Luna!

  4. Hi Nicole, I'm sorry to hear about your Pippen, it's never easy to loose a little friend. If I were there, I'd make you a cuppa tea and keep the kleenex handy.
    Sending love from California and hopes that the festive mood returns soon.
    Merry Christmas to you,

  5. So sorry to hear about your loss. I know the feeling. I hope the comments don't make you too sad, but I think it helps so much to know that others care.

    I am going to try to organize some of my crafting stuff too, but yarn and cloth take up so much more room!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  6. I'm sorry for your family's loss of your sweet Pippin =(.

    Very interesting that back stitch and french knot are tied for 1st!

  7. sorry for the loss of your critter :( hope your 2 girls are handling it okay and that y'all still had a festive christmas!

  8. Oh, I'm very sorry for these bad news :( I hope that at least you you try to have a wonderful Christmas!! I wish you a Lovely New Year 2011!! Hugs, Silvia


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