
Saturday, January 29

If only my Brave friend Pindsvin was here...

After last weeks long post about hoops (in which I apparently used the word 'hoop' more than 15 times)  I don't have much to say today: Bear with Lantern. Embroidery Try out. Not quite there yet....


  1. sweet ... i just love your designs !!

  2. That is just the cutest thing!

  3. Pindsvin would probably be a good friend in the dark, so I hope that he's just around the corner. ;)

    Perfect pattern you are making!

  4. Pindsvin is very busy here with me - sorry.

    Um - what was that you said about 'sorry scraps'? I think not missy. Precious scraps. Already in planning stage for precious new quilt. Those scraps I think you mean. ;)

  5. He looks very brave to me! Is he the same bear who visited Paris not so long ago?
    I had a dream about you last night! I was at your house for your birthday! you don't happen to live next door to a prison though, do you?! :-/

  6. He is gorgeous! I can't wait to see how the furry boy turns out!

  7. Thanks all for your kind and encouraging comments!
    @Katy can't wait to see your quilt-to-be!
    @Georgia oh it very well could be Pjotr :) And I don't exactly live next door to a prison. But there is a prison about 2-3 miles from here. It's bright orange you can't miss it! You're very welcome to attend my b'day party btw :)

  8. how cool! this makes me want to try embroidery again:)


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