
Monday, March 7

Not quite what I expected

With a tiny business like mine even the smallest feature or media attention is welcome and appreciated. This month you can find a couple of my embroideries (with 2 patterns) in British sewing magazine Sew Hip. I think the set of embroideries on printed fabrics turned out pretty cute. Normally I would be thrilled about something like that but it's a pity that neither my full name or even the 'Follow the White Bunny' name is mentioned though. So it's not very likely anyone will ever be able to connect me to this feature. Except the peeps reading this post of course. ;)  I've contacted them about it and hopefully things can be straightened out. Anyway, if you are in the UK you can check out the magazine. There is also a pattern in the same issue for a cute 'Dials' bag for little boys by Joey Ramone which is one of the best 'boy' projects I have seen lately!

Later this week I will be reporting about my sewing 'adventures' with my youngest daughter. We are making a doll quilt together for her toy horse  (from the Toy Story 3 movie) Bullseye.


  1. I don't know if it helps a little but I am one of your biggest fans!!!! So sorry it wasn't totally what you expected..the pictures look wonderful. Hopefully, this will open some doors for you! Best of luck!

  2. Well, my goodness! They should give credit where credit is due!!

    Well, still, it is a blessing to at least be noticed. Congrats!

  3. Thanks ladies, I hope I didn't whine too much about it! The magazine just wrote back to me and they were very understanding and helpful to solve it.

  4. I hope that gets straightened out for you. If not... I'm sure your readers would be happy to also point out that they've featured you! ;)

  5. That must be so disappointing for you Nicole.
    It really does generate a lot of interest when you are featured.
    Hopefully it can be put right in some way.
    Beautiful work,
    Susan x

  6. What a shame :-(
    But having said that, your work looks stunning. Congratulations

  7. I hope they make up well for the omission. Perhaps they can feature some of your other patterns for sale or give you a little ad space.
    And you deserve all the lovely press you get, and more!
    PS, so nice to "see" you in the snow picture!

  8. Hi I have come on over to visit today from Bird and Little Bird. It is nice to see you in glossy goodness pages even if your name was not linked perhaps contact them and they might try to amend next issue

  9. Thank you all for your sweet comments! Just to be clear: my name is mentioned in the feature but they used my husband's last name 'Konijnenburg' and no one knows or can find my stuff under that name because I always use my own last name 'Vos van Avezathe' or 'Follow the White Bunny' and that wasn't mentioned either. Anyway...I think I will get a small shop feature in one of the next issues so I think that is a pretty happy ending. :)

  10. Glad to hear about the 'Happy Ending'! nothing worse than not getting credit where credit is due. I've had that happen to me and it is disappointing.
    Just love what you do!

  11. What a shame you did not get clear credits in the magazine, I hope you can find a way to straighten this out...

  12. i'm glad things will be all sorted out for the next issue!!!

  13. Manda from treefall had issues with that company when she left her position at that magazine, so I'm kind of not surprised.


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