
Tuesday, April 19

You got to put your behind in your past

Two days ago I was planning on writing something about this photo, it was going to be a happy post actually. Because I love sewing squares together, I also love how my sewing and piecing skills improve with each block I make. And what I love most of all is the kindness and generosity of many of my sewing and quilt friends from all over the world.

Alas.. the crafty world is not all rainbows and unicorns and happiness etc as I experienced with my little embroidery business a couple of days ago. I have been in doubt whether to address the issue here on my blog. Part of me really wants to but at this moment I think it's better to leave the negativity behind me and move on. I always like to quote Pumbaa from the Lion King in situations like this. 'You got to put your behind in your past'. So that's what I'm trying to do! (but it's not easy)


  1. Well I don't know what kind of a knock you have taken, but just believe in yourself. I love your work and I am sure many others do too. My DD sells hundreds of items every week with wonderful feedback, however they still get the occasional shopper who just delights in quite frankly being just rude and sometimes positively hateful! I tell her to let them get on with it, their lives must be so miserable being that negative!! Hang on in there,
    Jenny x

  2. Sorry to hear you have been through something not so good, hope you are ok.

  3. so sorry to hear that. You do beautiful work.

  4. UGH! Don't know what you are going through but wishing you get thoughts!! There are so many kind, talented and very generous crafters out here...but those few "worms" try to take the fun out of the whole apple!
    Don't let them get you down!

    p.s. I really like the picture of your blocks!

  5. Life throws us many learning curves, and I like the way you have described your inspiration for moving on. it must have really thrown your good nature to be confronted with the situation, but it is nice to see you are handling it with dignity and grace.

    You have you good customers concentrate on how they make you feel.

  6. Thanks so much for your sweet comments! Your support means a lot to me :) Just to clarify a little bit: it was not a client or a swap that caused the upset. I'm glad to say I never had unhappy customers or unfair swaps!

  7. Oh dear. :-( It doesn't sound good, whatever it is.

  8. I just hate to hear anything negative but sad to say there are people out there that are just not the sorry , hope you are able to move on and erase this soon, so that it doesn't hold you back.........

  9. Your work is beautiful...stay positive...
    Susan x

  10. darn ~ nothing worse than having an upset ~ someone said something about a learning curve and how one approaches it. I really admire your attitude about it (whatever it is). I like to take predicaments and make them opportunities!

  11. oh noooooo.
    I hope what I'm guessing happened did not happen. Even if it did you have an upbeat spirit about it that is inspiring.

  12. I hope that what was happening to you in this post is not the same thing happens to me with my patterns. Anyway, karma is a terrible thing. Hugs!


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