
Thursday, June 30

on Plagiarism and what makes the world turn...

While I was sorting my crafty area (well not really, I was just looking at all the stuff I have) I came across a set of vintage game and flash cards I bought on Etsy a year (or maybe two?) ago. From the collection of Flash cards (meant to teach the meaning of 'difficult' words) I chose Plagiarism. And some cards that went with that theme. Oh and Scooby Doo, just to lighten the serious mood a bit. ;)

Plagiarism is pretending that stuff someone else has made or has written (or elements of it) is your own work and it's not an ok thing to do (and it's not the ultimate form of flattery either). Since I have been in the online crafty and blog scene (a couple of years now) I encountered too many examples of plagiarism: (embroidery) patterns, tutorials, art, style.

This issue bothers me especially because I've noticed that I don't feel like I can share everything about my creative process on my blog anymore. Frankly I'm a bit scared someone will run off with the idea before I have even finished it! But maybe I'm giving myself too much credit in the 'steal worthy department' and designs can also be copied after you have released a pattern.  So I'm going to be brave and show you my latest not-yet-released design. I'm in doubt whether to release it as a single pattern or as part of a set. If I do release it as a single pattern (most likely) it will be available sometime in the next two weeks or something.

I bet you didn't know the world was turned by an acrobatic Circus Bear? He still has to work on his juggling skills though. ;)


  1. It's so hard isn't it. There are people who genuinely have an idea that is similar to yours and there really does seem to be evil hearted people who will steal your idea and pretend it's theirs. {{sigh}}

  2. Oh my! Your Circus Bear is so sweet! I love his little face!!!

  3. You are so original! I love the idea of a bear turning our world around... into a better place, at least in our dreams. Lovely indeed!!

  4. So sweet! I want to give that bear a cuddle!

  5. I've encountered that problem in a few things I designed in jewelry. It's a bit upsetting when someone takes credit for what you've done. I had someone tell me that 'nothing is new under the sun' and that I can't take credit for anything I do (she was one of the taking credit.
    Ah, well.
    Love your bear on the world design. So sweet!

  6. You have your own style, though, that is uniquely you. I can tell a Follow the White Bunny pattern when I see it. I don't know if that's any consolation, but...I don't know. I say don't let the copycats keep you from posting whatever you want whenever you want. Love the bear, by the way. I love that he seems not to have it all quite figured out, either. Charming! :)

  7. Thanks all for your kind comments! @Rachel your comment "I can tell a Follow the White Bunny pattern when I see it" made my day! :)

  8. It's very cool of you to write this post because, even though I'm just new to sharing my crafty stuff on my blog, but I have the same exact worries. I don't want to behave as if I think my work is sooooo amazing that everyone would jump to rip it off but, on the other hand, I do have some ideas that I *think* are unique I would like to start selling as soon as they're ready. A little part of me is too worried to share them before they're ready, on the chance that someone with plagiaristic tendencies would happen by my little blog.

    So thanks for posting this, it makes me feel a little less paranoid and also makes me want to share more, and soon. Plus, we got to see your circus bear and he's pretty much the cutest thing ever!

  9. I can completely relate. I am certainly not a world renowned designer by any stretch of the imagination but I do like to create little cross stitch designs and share them. Three times in the past year someone (a magazine) has taken the design, changed it a little, added a few bits and voila claimed it as their own. At first I was upset but not so much now. As long as you know that you will always have fresh and creative ideas you will always be ahead of those who choose to copy you. It is annoying but look at Apple. Apple is an Innovative company, cutting edge designs that are copied over and over again by others. Still Apple is growing and will always be seen as the best and the designer of their original products. Same with your patterns, you will always be seen as the creator of your designs and others who copy will eventually be found out for what they are - cheats and thieves. Best to just continue to carry on as you have done by sharing your next design which looks fabulous !

  10. A very clever multi-tasking bear. :-)

  11. Cute AND clever! I love it :)

  12. What an adorable bear. Great work!

  13. Beautiful work, and the pattern is a total delight! I'd buy it so fast!!


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