
Sunday, June 12

Recovering under badly made quilts

I'm still here, but taking it really easy while I recover from some surgery. With books, puzzles, music and my Nintendo to keep me company. And my laptop of course. And the Bunny family who are taking good care of me. I even got out some embroidery work today ....

I'm residing on the couch under two badly made quilts. The one in the picture above isn't too bad, I 'only' messed up at the quilting bit there. The other one (not pictured for obvious reasons) really needs to be replaced soon, it's uhm...not the best quilt I made. It's simply....fugly.

Speaking of quilts, due to much excitement on Twitter and Flickr about the Quilt Along based on the  Farmer's wife Quilt Sampler book  I decided to order this book. I don't think I will be actually quilting along with the peeps on Flickr (111 blocks are a bit much right now) but maybe someday I can make a non-fugly quilt for the couch with some of the blocks from that book.


  1. I hope you're feeling better soon!! It looks like you have exactly what I would have snuggled in with me if I were recovering, haha! Well, minus the ever-present cat. :D

  2. I hope you recover quickly. I didn't know you had surgery. I am going to head over check out the quilt along on flickr.

  3. So sorry you had to have surgery -- scary! But, so glad you're on the mend and surrounded with lots of good things to keep you cosy and occupied. And, do I spy with my little eye, a bunny you're embroidering there ;)?
    Be all well soon!

  4. Thanks so much ladies! And yes that is a little bunny I was working on. But it might turn it into a different animal in a later stage, I don't know yet! ;)

  5. Sending you good wishes for a quick recovery.
    PS, I don't believe you're capable of making fugly things, only lovely things :)

  6. well, I am glad that you can embroider.....I always think that if i can just embroider I can stand get better soon!!


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