
Thursday, December 1

My first stuffed toy pattern! (with matching pillowcase)

This is my first stuffed toy pattern and I think he turned out rather sweet! What you can't see on the photo is that he's got an apple stuck to the quills on his back! :) You can find this little hedgehog (and the pillowcase too) in the Pretty in Patchwork book I wrote about a couple of weeks ago! It's available now as a download from Zinio (and not too expensive either!) but if you prefer a printed version of the book, you will have to wait till spring 2012.

At the moment I am working on quite another, but equally exciting, project, together with my Feeling Stitchy colleague Carina. No hedgies involved there but it will surely bring colour to the grey dull month of January for you! More about that later this month....


  1. I bought the book and it's fantastic - packed full of great projects. I love your patterns - they're gorgeous!

  2. Adorable. He is just so cute!

  3. He is soooooo cute. Love him. He looks like he might be a good project for beginners too. Thinking my little Gracie might like him.

  4. Thanks ladies!
    @Joanie I think this a good project for the motivated beginner. Some bits can be a little fiddly (like turning the tiny legs) or need some careful sewing, that's all. Felt is such a forgiving material. :)

  5. Adorable! Congrats on the book. :):)

  6. You are a creative dynamo, Nicole! Stuffed toys, too? Damn. I love him. I'll be stitching one of your hedgies this weekend (I hope) and luxuriating in your delightful design style. Yum!

  7. oh have done it again!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time you create something new you just get my creative side going crazy....he is perfect....and the pillow case is so beautiful! love them!!


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