
Thursday, February 16

Said one dinosaur to the other...

This is the embroidery I made for the Phat Quarter Embroidery Swap on Flickr. The theme was 'It's not the end of the world' and I almost immediately thought of stitching these dinosaurs having a casual conversation. The idea (and conversation) is based on a Dutch magazine ad from about 20 years ago to promote milk. I couldn't find the original ad (I thought you could find about anything on internet but apparently not 20 year old milk advertisements...) so I created my own version. I traced the T rex from a kids book I found online and I made his munching pal up.

The stitching is far from perfect, although I'm quite pleased with the shading on both reptiles. My swap partner Freddy listed blue as her favourite colour so that gave me the idea to almost exclusively use blue shades, I used about 6 different shades for this embroidery. The meteorite has a little bit of glow-in-the-dark thread. Not the easiest thread to embroider with but I got reasonably ok results with the smaller stitches.

I also have received my swap piece from Kristen earlier this week:

I must admit that I was very thrilled when I found out that Kristen was going to make something for me. According to Kristen this is a quote from a Led Zeppelin song.  It's an awesome piece and I love it a lot. I have a soft spot for music related embroideries. Previously I received embroidered quotes from a Smiths song and bought a stitched portrait of Tom Waits and a quote from one of his songs... Next addition to my collection has to be something Foo Fighters related but I guess I will need to embroider it myself, unless there are any volunteers?!?


  1. I love the dino stiching! And your shading IS something to be pleased about!

  2. The dinosaurs are seriously awesome! Made me laugh so hard. And great stitching! :)

  3. I'll do you a Foo Fighters one...if you want to swap? Do you want to choose the quote or leave it to me?

    1. I'm a bit busy stitching other things now but I'll send you an email, thank you for the offer! :)

  4. Thanks all for the kind comments about my dinos!

  5. LOVE those dinos! (I'm a new follower!)


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