
Friday, February 10

Small heirlooms

This is an hand embroidered card my grandmother sent to my grandfather a long, long time ago, probably in the 1930's.  I'm assuming this took many hours to stitch and I'm delighted that it was kept safe for all those years and eventually ended up at my place. I have another card, also sent by grandmother to my grandfather and while it's not embroidered I thought it would be nice to share, with Valentines day just around the corner...

My grandfather was in the Dutch Indies at the time (now Indonesia) and my grandmother in the Netherlands, hence the telecommunication reference on the postcard. Apparently the guy in the picture is sending out an S.O.S.  :) 


  1. what a beautiful heirloom to have.

  2. This is amazing! What treasures.

  3. Embroidery is obviously in the genes. :-)

  4. What wonderful heirlooms to have and to share.

  5. I rememeber those type of cards. How lovely you got one Hugs

  6. These are both so sweet, such treasures for you to have from the past. Thanks for sharing them


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