
Wednesday, March 7

Boss of Floss (Sorting part two)

After reading all the encouraging comments to my Sorting post yesterday (thank you!), I  immediately felt motivated to do something about The Floss Situation.  So yesterday evening and this morning I spent a total of about 3 hours sorting floss that wasn't already more or less organized in one of my floss boxes. I found floss in other boxes, baskets, project bags, my wip basket and cabinets.  Pictured above is just the white and cream floss I found. Clearly I'm worried about running out of white floss because I found about 6 new skeins of DMC Blanc!

Judging from yesterday's comments, zip lock bags are the best choice for holding your stash.  These were just ones I had on hand, not clever ones with a hole in so I can put them on a ring, but it's a start! And while I was sorting my floss I also found many many WIP's (some really nice ones too!), about ten needles, all the parts of my two Q-snap frames and three embroidery scissors. :)

Surely I deserve to wear this pin now?


  1. You sure are boss of floss now!!

  2. Well done! It's fun to look at all of it, once it's been tamed, isn't it?

  3. You rock! Isn't it a wonderful, productive feeling? And congrats on the other finds, too. :)

  4. Thanks all! And yes it *does* feel good now I have 'tamed' my floss :D

  5. I love your pin! Too cute!

  6. I have several with different phrases! Received them as promo pack for this book: Sadly the book wasn't included ;)

  7. Yay for sorting!

    By the way, I wouldn't bother with those fancy bags + ring combinations. The closing strip of the bags always rips. Or they did for me, anyway. And the holes will rip too.

    Stick with the regular ziplocs - they're a better size anyway. :-)

    1. So far I'm happy with just the zip locks, I"m not sure if I need to adjust my floss organization if my stash grows further though.. ;)

  8. You should be proud of yourself! Sorting is such big thing but in teh long run really pays off. Now - a word of caution: I used to do this but have heard from several sources that ziplocks might not be the best choice - if any moisture gets in, it stays and your floss must smell musty (or worse). I use photo storage boxes and store by 100s. I also throw in one or two of those silica gel packs you get in many things (especially shoes). They are meant to help absorb stray moisure. And anytime I get new shoes, I replace a few.

    1. Thanks for the tips! I must add that I don't really close the zip locks so my floss can 'breathe' :) What is storing by the 100's?

    2. sorting by dmc number - 100s-200s in one box, 300-400 in another etc

  9. wear the pin with pride. thanks for the tips!


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