
Friday, March 23

A small giveaway to celebrate!

Well guess who turned three this month? My Princess and the Pea pattern! I sold my first copy of this pattern on the 19th of March 2009 and I am happy (and grateful) that I have sold quite a few more patterns after that. Part of the success must be the lovely example piece my embroidery pal Georgia made of this pattern! We never met 'in person' because I live in the Netherlands and Georgia lives in Australia but it shows how through internet friendships (and long distance collaborations) lovely things can be made!

I'm giving away three Princess and the Pea PDF Hand embroidery patterns (or if you already have one, one of my other patterns of your choice) to three lucky blog readers! You don't have to jump through hoops to enter, just leave a comment (a nice one preferably) and tell me your favourite (fairy)tale! Giveaway ends this Sunday 12 a.m. Amsterdam time. Be sure to check back to find out if you have won or leave an email address so I can find you. If I can't find you I will have to re-draw.

Good luck everyone!

Giveaway has ended, winners will be announced later today!


  1. Ooh I love this pattern! When I was little I had a book that was basically an encyclopedia of fairy and folk tales - I can't pick a favorite, they were all great! Although, The Red Shoes does stick out in my mind. Kind of morbid, but still entertaining.

    alexis {at} craftysheep {dot} net

  2. I think my favourite fairy story is the little mermaid. Though may more the Disney version as it's less sad!

    I love that pattern! So cute!

  3. Great Pattern! Love the red hair.

    kim AT beerlens DOT com

  4. Chicken Little is my favorite fairy tale. I can't tell you why, but I just love it!
    Thanks so much for the giveaway ~ I love your designs!

    elsa (dot) hart (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. This pattern is adorable! I love all the textures you've got going on. Gosh, I don't know what my favorite fairytale is - that's a toughie! The Princess and the Pea is a favorite, as is Rapunzel. I'd have to say Allerleirauh (Brothers Grimm) and Snow-White and Rose-Red (Grimm again) have to be my two top favorites. I had this wonderful book of Grimm tales when I was a kid - I would sit and read the stories for hours. Now I'll have to ask my mom to find it again! thestitchemporium [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. Sleeping beauty has always been one of my favorites!

  7. Love this pattern...hmm I always liked the Emperor's New Clothes

  8. thanks for the giveaway, and congrats on the anniversary. I always liked Goldilocks.

  9. I love the original Grimm's Fairy Tales. The fact that the stories have been softened and changed over time is really interesting.

  10. My favorites have always been Grimm's tales of Little Briar Rose and Snow-White and Rose-Red.

  11. My favourite always was (and still is!) the Princess and the pea!

  12. That is gorgeous. I've always liked the Princess on the Pea but my favourite was always the Princess and the Frog.

  13. Love this pattern and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

  14. Such a cute pattern! I love little red riding hood! :)

  15. Vandaag je blog ontdekt via Sarah Fielke, ziet er allemaal erg leuk uit! En zo'n geweldig patroon wil ik wel winnen..
    Annette / Dordtje

  16. Love the pattern. I would love to win.

  17. This pattern is so adorable. My favorite fairy tale is Little Red Riding Hood. lisanoteboom (at) gmail (dot) com.

  18. Oh, my! My favorite must be "Little Red Riding Hood," mostly becaue my nickname in high school German class was "Rotkaeppchen-" a word that, to this day I love to pronounce! ashashoua hotmail

  19. I loved Rapunzel and Thumberlina, still do. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the milestone.

  20. We love Jack the Giant Killer - who lived on ST Michael's Mount in Cornwall.

  21. "The Princess and The Pea" was my "signature" fairytale from childhood through college because I was always always so picky about my bedding. My first year in college I begged my mother to buy me a featherbed "topper" to add to my horrid dorm bed. She worried that if I had one I would sleep through my classes! (I finally got one ... and my degree!) I also loved "The Little Mermaid" which I had on a little record that I could play and hear it narrated while I looked at the book, before I learned to read. I was so angry when I found out that Disney was making the film and changing the ending to a happy one that I didn't see the "Ariel" version until over a decade later (it wasn't so bad). My favorite, though not for children, version of a fairy tale is Neil Gaimen's short story "Snow, Glass, Apples" which is a wonderfully twisted version of "Snow White".

    I've loved your pattern for years but I never did get around to getting a copy. I'd love to stitch it on a pillow for my daughter's bed (she is turning out to a picky bed person, too - she always wants to sleep in my bed because she says it's more comfortable). :) osofine AT gmail

  22. Love this pattern!!

    There's a Norwegian folk tale called "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" which is one of my favorites. =]

  23. I love this pattern! I have been oogling it for 3 years now!

  24. Eep! I've loved this pattern for a while but never gotten around to buying it!

    My favorite fairy tales (more than one! I know!!) have always been 'The Nightengale' and 'Rose White and Rose Red'. My mother had this huge, red cloth bound book of just tons of fairytales and every night, I got to pick a different one. I always came back to those two. <3!!

  25. Love this pattern so much and have just got back to embroidery finally

    Would say my favourite is jack and the beanstalk

    debradane (at) homelifesimplified (dot) com (dot) au

  26. My favourite fairy takes are the Nightingale and the Tin Solider. I used to have this video as a kid that had then both on it. I watched it so much the tape broke.

    Your never to old to imagine and dream.

  27. I'm not sure it qualifies as a fairy tale, but I loved (aqnd still love) The Velveteen Rabbit. The boy's love making him real....

    1. btw - my emai is 1961girl at gmail ... you know the4 rest :)

  28. I have always loved the story of Snow White! Because of Georgia's beautiful sample, I bought your Princess and the Pea pattern about 2 years ago and made one for my daughter's room. Best embroidery pattern ever!

  29. I can't believe she's 3! It really doesn't seem so long ago.
    (don't enter me in the giveaway!!)

  30. I made a little quilt with this design last year and it was so much fun to stitch. I always called my husband a pea prince because he always needs his bedding to be soft and just so lol. Anyway, my favorite fairytale is probably Hansel & Gretal... or maybe Goldilocks...

  31. I love the Grimm's "Little Mermaid." Which is dark and creepy I realize, but .. I love it. So good. :)

  32. I always loved Rapunzel and also Snow White.

    :) Linda

  33. I love The Shoemaker's Elves! your pattern is adorable - thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  34. Growing up, the Three Billy Goats Gruff was my all-time favorite! Beauty and the Beast was up there too :) thanks for the giveaway!

  35. I just adore this pattern, and, if I win, will sew it for my niece for her first birthday.

    My favorite fairy tale is Rapunzel. It was just a bit creepy, but also romantic and I liked the mix!

  36. This is such an iconic pattern. Right now I love the Three Little Pigs.

    Cathy of

  37. I've loved this pattern for so long, but have not yet gotten brave enough to stitch it up. This would be great to win! Thanks for your generosity! littleloveliesbyallison (at) gmail (dot) com

  38. I really like Sleeping Beauty.

  39. I love your blog and your disagns))))I like Rapunzel))))

  40. What a lovely pattern! My favourite fairytale has always been Rumplestiltskin. No idea why though ;)

  41. What a darling pattern! Congratulations on your pattern turning three! Hmm I'm not sure if I have a favorite. I remember my Mom telling us 'The 3 Bears' and using all different voices for the bears. That's it. Thanks for bringing back a great memory!

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  42. Isn't it amazing how quickly time goes by? Your princess is beautiful & I'd love to try the pattern someday. I think my favorite fairy tale was Snow White. Reading through the comments is making me want to go read a bunch of fairy tales!

  43. I love your Princess and the Pea pattern - she will continue to be a favorite for many people for years to come. My favorite fairytale is Rumpelstiltskin, I always wondered what might happen if I managed to guess his name myself - hours of fun!
    Thank you for a giveaway.

  44. Congratulations! I love love fairy tales per se and I love love love the old Russian, Czech, and GDR fairy tale movies for children. Therefore it's hard to really pick a favourite. Film-wise, my all time favourite is the 1973 Czechoslovak-GDR coproduction "Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel/Tři oříšky pro Popelku".

    Do you know it? It's a wonderful, somewhat feminist adaptation of the Cinderella story and I've seen it more times than I can count, every Christmas since I was little and anything between one and four more times per year. I still do at 28.

    Red Riding Hood is another favourite - it's the one I asked my grandmother most to tell/read to me on sunday mornings when I'd spent the night at my grandparents. Whether read or told by heart, my gran gave a delightfully frightening rendition of the wolf. Sometimes gave me nightmares but soooo worth it. :)

    1. I don't know that particular movie, not sure if it was broadcast over here. Personally I really like my 'Storyteller" dvd's. :)

  45. I love the Princess and the Pea but I think my favourite fairy tale is Rapunzel!

  46. Such a beautiful little pattern! How I would love to stitch it up!! My all time favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. Even as an adult, I'll take time now and then to read the story to be reminded that beauty comes from within... Have an especially blessed day!

  47. I have always lived sleeping beauty. It's definitely my favorite of the Disney ones because of the beautiful storybook-like illustrations. That and Phillip is the first of the Disney princes who actually warranted a name :)

  48. What a lovely pattern! I love that story. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. Still love to read that story.

  49. Love that bunny. My favorite fairy tale is "Snow White and Rose Red" from a very old children's book I have had forever. The paintings with it are gorgeous and I love the story!

    Thanks for the chance!

  50. I've always loved Beauty and the Beast. I was a voracious reader, and it gave me hope that a bookish girl could find her prince- and I did! I like to tease my husband that he's like the Princess and the Pea, though, since he's always got his cell phone under his pillow or he can't sleep!

  51. I'm a bit confused about the dates - am I too late? I loved Rapunzel as a girl, I always wanted her hair! Congratulations on the anniversary, it's a beautiful pattern.

  52. Super cute pattern. My daughters adore fairy tales. Congrats on the anniversary!

  53. Ah, sprookjes... ik denk dat De stuk gedanste schoentjes mijn favoriet is.

  54. Lovely pattern. I always loved Alice in wonderland!

  55. Ooh, how exciting! Congrats on reaching three years.

    My favourite fairytale would have to be Little Red Riding Hood, mainly because it's my sweet little daughter's favourite and i love snuggling up in her bed while we read it together.

  56. I always liked reading and watching Cinderella. Loved the happy ending. Happy Anniversary with your pattern which is very cute.

  57. Fairy Tales, huh? I don't know if I really have a favorite. I relate fairy tales to Disney movies so on that, I love Beauty and the Beast. Otherwise I really like Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood.

  58. omg the Princess and the Pea! that was the first pattern I saw from you and made we fell in love with your work at first sight :-)
    Favorite fairy tale ? from my 8 years living in Germany I came to see with other eyes the "Grimms Märchen“; funny how to see the little tiniest differences in the detail when reading in the original language :-) And it became even more difficult to chose one, only one, so from the commonly known I would choose Rapunzel and the not so commonly known the Frau Holle , which I get to know has an explanation for the snow :-)))))

  59. Oh I love the pattern! Thanks for the entry :)

  60. I have the Princess and the Pea, you posted a picture I sent of a quilt I made with it as the center a couple (?) years ago. Would love the chance to get another pattern.

  61. I've always loved this pattern! My favorite tale is Cinderella. I remember going to girl scout camp and my mom let me bring two books. I brought Cinderella and The Hydronaut Adventures. Those don't really go together do they?
