
Thursday, August 16

Quilt bindings: a small round up of how to' s

I'm actually finishing some quilts I have had in the works for quite some time! Pictured above is a detail of a baby quilt. I made the quilt top last year but never bothered to finish it, until last week when friends had a baby girl and I remembered I had the perfect nearly finished gift for their newborn. :) 

this the quilt with the binding not yet sewn to the back
In the end I settled for an orange binding and I'm going to use the same binding for my Winter Forest Quilt. The binding is made with an organic fabric called Orange/Red Fruit Punch by Timeless Treasures and I love it! 

mitered corner
Now I have learned in the past couple of years how to sew a binding on a quilt. I even got the hang of making passable mitered corners. I always sew the binding to the front with my sewing machine (and hand sew it to back.) The only bit that I still mess up every single time is joining the ends of the binding. Even after reading all the instructions in the quilt books I have. Luckily I have lots of knowledgeable sewing friends on Twitter and Instagram who helped me today so I thought I'd do a little round- up of the tips I received about binding a quilt. Most links are to full quilt binding tutorials in which various ways of how to join the ends are included. 

Today I used Katy's tutorial (scroll down and you'll find a pdf) to join my ends. I only messed up a tiny bit (but it still looks ok) but that is totally my fault and not Katy's. :)

Lynn of the Little Red Hen blog has another way to join ends and you can find a photo tutorial on quilt binding on her blog. The same method is used in this You Tube video by Marci Baker of Alicia's Attic. (don't let the music scare you away hehe)

Wendi Gratz has a video tutorial on her blog that shows yet another way of joining ends. It's similar to the way it's done in this YouTube video by Barb Sackel (someone I had not heard of I must confess but  apparently she is a Master Quilter) 

Another couple of quilt binding tutorials: Julie of Jaybird Quilts has written an (extensive) series of tutorials on how to bind a quilt. Rita of Red Pepper Quilts shows us how she makes her bindings She sews the front and the back on by sewing machine as does Amanda Jean of Crazy Mom Quilts in this tutorial.

Hope one of these (or all) are helpful to you!


  1. Love the orange binding it makes it pop! :)

  2. YES, thank you!!! I searched and search this past weekend for finishing the ends together (like Little Red Hen's tute) and couldn't find it. I had a plane to catch, and just fudged my way through. I am THRILLED that you put this on your website - thank you!

    Love the baby quilt, too! :)

    1. I figured that I probably wouldn't be the only one that struggled with this bit. Glad my round-up is helpful!

  3. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 1 post on Aug. 17, 2012. Thanks again.


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