
Friday, October 19

Here's one I didn't finish earlier...

I think I started this embroidery based on an illustration in Edward Gorey's Doubtful Guest about a year ago and it resurfaced when I went through my craft basket recently.  Probably at some point last year I wasn't sure how to proceed with this piece. Often I abandon a project for this reason for a little while and then  'a little while' turns into a few months and hey a year has past without finishing it! I'm determined to finish it now though as it is too cute to leave in the WIP basket for another year. And I'm eager to make a Turkey Stitch fringe on his scarf  :)

P.S. if you haven't bought the new issue of &Stitches yet (I can't imagine why not!) you have a chance to win a copy on Julie's blog.

P.S. P.S. I have some rather fabulous giveaways coming up myself soon to celebrate my 500th blogpost!


  1. I love this! And i will be keeping an eye out for your give away :)

  2. It is a bit gloomy, that pattern... Not the cheery ones you I usually see here :) But it is still quite nice!

    1. It's based on an illustration from a book I love! I guess I'm a bit of an oddball ;)

  3. That is really lovely and effective! I love the way his feet are turned back, please keep going with this.


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