
Friday, October 5

Vintage Patterns

About once or twice a year I get Vogart Embroidery Pattern Fever. I frantically search Ebay and Etsy for missing patterns in my collection. There are a lot of missing patterns in my collection so that makes searching easy but, true to my Dutch descent, I don't want to pay too much for them. Also I prefer some patterns to others and I especially like patterns with animals (who would have thought?!?!) and Fairy Tales too (see Hans & Gretel on the photo) although these are rare.

Nowadays you can buy copies of all these patterns (apparently that's legal?) but I want the real thing. Over the years I have also bought lots of vintage patterns that aren't Vogart patterns (because they were in the same lot on Ebay for example) like this one:

For women who sew it says on the back... so definitely not a pattern for men who sew ;) Anyway, the lion looks a bit freaky but that horse in the right bottom corner is pretty cute! So are vintage patterns your thing or do you happily leave them behind in yard sales?

p.s. Oh and by vintage I mean 'older than me' (which is before the 1970's) because as I understand it you can call stuff 'vintage' when it's only 20 years old!


  1. I do sometimes buy vintage patterns, though I try to be very selective about what I might actually use. I volunteer at a charity shop sorting warehouse and SO much awesome kitschy and vintage stuff comes through there, I could take it all home and then be one of those hoarder people that can't fit in their house anymore. :) So I try to only buy things that I have a specific use for, but sometimes it's hard!

    It is strange that I'm *really* drawn to that polka dotted camel? He's fabulous! :)

    1. The 'Hoarder' shows always make me want to clear out stuff and be selective about what comes or stays in the house! And I totally understand the attraction to the polka dotted Camel! ;)

  2. I love them....but I do not sew them for my house. My husband is not such a fan of the cute animals. But, I have them and can whip up things for gifts. They are worth preserving and are a real part of stitching history.

    1. I do sometimes stitch vintage patterns but I'm pretty sure my husband doesn't particular care for them either ;)

  3. Love vintage patterns! When they can be picked up for low prices, even better!

  4. I love the vintage stuff, especially the animals. They have such charm, and they depict a different social era. I love ducklings baking bread, kittens running a vacuum, and the little birds with the dinnerware. So sweet.

    1. I think certainly before the 60's a lot of household fabrics (linen, pillowcases etc) were plain and these patterns were great to brighten up your linen! They still are great to use as far as I'm concerned :)

  5. I really love the look of vintage patterns.
    Yours look totally cool.
    Those easy animals look great.

    1. maybe I should try out that horse pattern just to see how 'easy' it really is! ;)


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