
Monday, March 25

Small steps

I spent some time with Bear yesterday and made good progress. As you can see I am not very bothered about leaving bits of the embroidery unfinished (like the rose). When I get bored or stuck at some point or other, I move on to something else. Eventually it will all get done, honestly!

Can you see the difference in shading between the larger piece and the smaller one? A large scale definitely gives more opportunity to make the shading look super subtle. From a distance anyway...Via my peeps on Instagram I got some great ideas for flowers to add to the Bear embroidery: Honeysuckle (so appropriate for a bear but a real challenge to embroider!), Forget-me-nots, Bachelor Buttons and Ivy. Let me know if you have more great flower/plant suggestions. I'm looking forward to include some of them in this piece!

I also had a rare visitor in my Embroidery corner today:

Just checking whether I needed help with that left over floss in the teacup...  ;)


  1. Love your shaded embroidery - you are very clever designing these beautiful pieces of art yourself! Also well done to the cat for resisting the teacup of floss - that must take some kitty willpower...

  2. Love the progress you've made on your Bear, the shading looks great. It's very nice that Tijger took time out of her busy schedule (aka sleeping) to visit you ;-)

  3. Love the shading you're doing on Bear ~ and of course the Rabbit too. Looking forward to seeing progress ~ you've inspired me to try it also!
    Your cat is lovely ~ always did like that sort of stripe!

  4. I <3 your work, they are both beautiful. Oh! and so is the kitty kat lol!!!

  5. Hi Nicole! I haven't stopped by in some time and I see I've missed out on a lot! The Bear is going to be wonderful and I can't wait to see it when you are done. Off to go follow you on Instagram too.


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