
Sunday, April 7

A new furry friend

Hello everyone! My name is Milo and I was adopted by Nicole from a local Animal Shelter yesterday. I used to live in a house with 10 other cats but sadly my former owner died and we all moved to the shelter. Me and my feline friends had some medical issues due to a bit of neglect but nothing too serious.

As soon as I saw my new owner I thought the best way to go was to sit next to her modestly the whole time she was there. I was kind and interested but not overly pushy or neurotic as some of the others. I also didn't hit her.

I'm still very shy and need time to settle in. There is also another cat in the house. She hasn't fallen for my charms yet but  I guess that's just a matter of time.

Milo xo


  1. Hello Milo! Well, aren't you a sweetheart? Don't worry, I'm sure you're going to settle in just fine and that other kitty will warm to your charms very soon! I'm glad you found a home with Nicole, she's a very nice lady, and you're going to have a great life! <3<3

  2. She is so adorable and a very lucky cat to have found such a lovely home. :-)

  3. Oh Milo you're beautiful! Lucky Nicole :-) Love your little white feet.

  4. Milo, you're a very sweet and wise little cat, and so pretty, too. You're right - the other cat will need to take her time figuring out that she can happily share her home and family with you. After that, you will have a sweet sister to love!

  5. Hello Milo, I sure have fallen for you so just give Tijger a bit more time. She'll come around for sure. If you want to make Nicole super happy and thank her for adopting you go and sit on her lap ;-)

  6. Happy New Home Milo! What a pretty little cat you are! Have fun in your new forever home!

  7. Oh, he is so lovely. What a gorgeous colour. I really, really want a cat, but I'm not allowed one. She would be called Miss Merryweather!

  8. What a cutie! Hope Milo settles in nice & quickly and makes friends with your other kitty x

  9. Thank you all for you kind and welcoming words for Milo! Currently he is hiding behind the fridge (again) but the good news is, that last night when he was on his own in the kitchen he ate for the first time since he arrived. :)

    1. Good, he'll soon feel at home, I'm sure.

  10. Oh Milo ~ you're beautiful and so glad you got to come home with Nicole! You'll be feeling at home any time now!

  11. Oh, I have a Milo too! So glad you could give him a good home, I'm sure he'll overcome his shyness soon and he and your other kitty will be best of friends. :)

  12. Milo is extremely cute! What a great new addition.

  13. Aw, he's gorgeous! Lookit those little feets! I'm sure he & Tijger will be fast friends in no time and get it into lots of trouble together. :)

    Oh, and since I'm just now catching up on blogs / internet stuff from having been away: HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY! I hope it was lovely - big birthday hugz!!!! xoxo


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