
Thursday, July 18

Christmas in July

Well more like 'Nightmare before Christmas in July'.  ;) I stitched this tiny Jack Skellington for Justine as part of a tiny swap and will hopefully hand it over to her at some point in the next few days at the Fat Quarterly Retreat. I also have a slightly larger, nearly finished, version of Jack that I started for the Tim Burton Stitch Along, three months ago.

At the moment I'm doing some last minute packing and panicking as I will leave tomorrow very, very early to catch a plane to London. I hope everything will fit in my small suitcase. I'm also taking Bird the Squirrel with me but he's only tiny so that's ok.

Bird the Squirrel:" I mean no 'arm, stealing from them birds, 'onestly"

Sami thought I should embroider a tiny portrait of a Bird seed stealing Grey squirrel called 'Bird' so I made a quick drawing this morning and hopefully will have some time between classes to start stitching Bird's portrait. :)


  1. Terrific Burton stitching, I envy the recipient! Have a fab time in London, look forward to hearing about it and seeing that cheeky

    1. thank you! will definitely report back here on the blog :)

  2. Have fun at the retreat ~ love the squirrel called 'Bird'!

  3. Your stitching is always so meticulous! Love the Jack S, and the squirrel sketch. Have fun at the Retreat!


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