
Monday, September 9

News from the Stitchy Community

Illustration SAL 3 From top left clock wise: Wrightson Frankenstein by Sandy, H.R. Giger illustration by PixieFey, Totoro hoop by Rebecca and St Trinian's by Meredith. See the whole gallery here which includes photos I couldn't use here due to copyright.

The Illustration Stitch Along is already in it's third round! This time people who have joined in are free in their choice of which illustrator/illustration they are going to tackle and so far the results are very impressive! You can still join in this Stitch Along or perhaps you'd rather wait until the next Illustration Stitch Along starts in October? If I remember correctly we'll be making embroideries based on the illustrations of Dr. Seuss then. I think I'll embroider a Dr. Seuss pillowcase for my daughter. :) 

Another fun challenge is up on the &Stitches blog! Last Thursday I announced our Back to School Stitching Competition there. A fun theme and fab prizes by Penguin & Fish, Lucky Jackson and Septemberhouse! There is still plenty of time to enter as the contest closes the 15th of October. Check further details here.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Totoro hoop! My Japanese friend gave me a little wind-up Totoro and eventually many moons later I saw the film on the telly. I would love to do a Totoro hoop for my friend! Another one for my list...


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