
Monday, December 9

Cross Stitch Therapy


Sometimes life throws things at you that are not overly dramatic but need some time to sink in and digest. I had a not so great start of the weekend (I'm fine now) and found vigorously stitching this cross stitch pattern pictured above, quite therapeutic. As with all the cross stitching I attempt, I made a counting mistake somewhere along the way but I think I can hide it. :)

Cross stitching is something I often save for the holidays and I think this particular pattern will definitely keep me busy until the new year! The pattern is designed by Jody of Satsuma Street and it's called Pretty Little London. I bought it a while ago when she just had London and Paris patterns available. There are several more patterns of other major cities/countries added to her shop now, like Tokyo and Sydney, as well as other motifs. I particularly like this pattern of New York...

photo by Jody of Satsuma Street
The patterns come with a good, readable chart and DMC colour guide and are available as instant download which is always nice.

What is your craft 'therapy'? Cross Stitching or something else?


  1. Cute chart ideas!

    Yes, I totally understand what you mean about cross stitch. When I get down to it, with very few exceptions I find all embroidery therapeutic, absorbing and, often, relaxing too. Having said that, there are times esp. if I've been ill or just finished a killer project that I really don't want anything that I have to think about. Cross stitch fits the bill perfectly then. The friendly chart tells me exactly what stitch goes where, and the helpful fabric guides me in precisely where to put my needle. Bliss!

    I'm hoping to post photos of my latest cross stitch finish later on today - supposing I've got it pressed up, that is!!!=)

  2. Cross stitch was my first love and I find it very therapeutic to go back to - I wish I had more time to do it! These pretty little cities are lovely patterns - especially love the NY one. I think I shall have to budget more cross-stitch time into my calendar as my New Year's Resolution for 2014.

  3. I knew from the little photo on Facebook this was a Satsuma Street design. Just love the bright colors - have been trying to decide which city to buy for myself. Can't wait to see your Pretty Little London all done. :)

  4. What great patterns. I love Cross stitch and find it very relaxing and therapeutic as I get lost in a world of colour and counting. I've not had the time to do as much as I would like of late, and not the avid interest I need to really get stuck in. That said I'm about to start in on some Christmas tops for my boys - I buy plain tees and cross stitch a design on each. I have to say I really love the design you are working on, and all the other cities too. Something for my Christmas list I think.
    At the moment my craft therapy seems to be EPP and working on quarter inch hexies. I find it strangely relaxing to work on them, I guess because their small size requires so much of my attention.

  5. I love those patterns! I agree about cross stitch as therapy and i find that and hand quilting the best for easing my troubled mind. I hope everything's ok xxx

  6. Gorgeous. I am yet to venture into the world of cross stitch. Xoxo

  7. I hadn't heard of this Etsy seller before, but I might also have purchased the London pattern now. :) what count aida are you using?

    1. On 14ct aida as that was what I had in my stash, but the example in the pattern is stitched on 18ct which I think I will use for the next pattern. :)

  8. I'm stitching Sydney chart now and already stitched London, Paris and Italy. I don't have New York chart, yet :( Love the colours is these patterns and they are so easy to stich.


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