
Sunday, January 19

Favourites: coloured pencils


I love these Caran d'Ache Pablo Coloured Pencils. They are quite soft pencils and great for blending colours. 


Perfect for drawing (quick) coloured sketches of sweet looking table waiting bears!

I'm planning on buying a set of these and while I'm dreaming of the full set of 120 colours, I think I will have to settle for a smaller selection and add individual colours that I will use often.


For kids I can recommend these coloured pencils by Lyra called Super Ferby. Sturdy pencils that have a great grip for little hands due to their triangular shape. Lyra Ferby pencils come in a lovely range of colours and last a long, long time. I bought these a few at the time over the years as they are a little more expensive than regular coloured pencils but definitely worth it in my opinion. 


  1. I love coloured pencils too. My go-to brand is the English one, Derwent. They can be v expensive, but I usually get sets I want on e-bay for up to 60% discount and I bought a large tin of the (then) latest type as I was leaving Taiwan after a year there. I could've paid over £100 in the UK for them, but they were about £38 there.=) I just need to use them more....

    1. oh yes Derwent is a well known brand too. By chance I picked up a few of these Caran d'Ache pencils at my local art supply store (they also sell Derwent there btw) and liked them so much that I decided to stick to these for now.I actually checked Ebay (uk) but couldn't find any and my local art supply shop has these at a reasonable price but the set I wanted was sold out. The set I was looking for (40 pencils) ranges in price from 40 euro to 85 euro online! Obviously I'm going for the 40 euro set ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Yep, awaiting the arrival of a box with 40 new colours now! :)

  3. I have a box of Prismacolor colored pencils from when I was in art school that I've been wanting to pull out and play with. Although I think I've seen the CARAN d'ACHE at the craft store and I might pick up a small set to try!

    1. I have a box with Prismacolor too but prefer these ones by Caran d'Ache. Caran d'Ache sells different types of coloured pencils in addition to the ones I mentioned (the Pablo). I think the type of pencil I have are the most expensive ones though...


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