
Monday, February 24

Order of things


This must be the Most Photographed Polar Bear ever. For my class I'm taking lots of photos to document each (small) step in the stitching process. I think I made about 50 photos today. 

Usually my stitching process is quite random: a bit of fur stitching here, a bit of the scarf shading there etc etc. But this time I really have to create some order in the process to show what I'm doing exactly. :) 


  1. He's very photogenic and so deserves to be photographed lots as a model!!

  2. What fun it will be to see a timeline of his growth, fab little bear! Cxxx

    1. Yes! I was thinking of putting the photos in order & make a little 'movie' with them?

  3. Oh, I so wish I could join that class, but I know that April and may are going to be tough months for me this year ( long trip, necessitating much planning) so I am hoping that you will repeat it later this year

    1. That's definitely my intention! Right now the class is filled to the max but I'm happy to do the re-run with a smaller group. I will announce exact starting dates etc here on the blog and in my newsletter. :)


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