
Tuesday, October 28

Small Bear, Big City

A little while ago I tried out water soluble canvas (more about that in another post) and used it to stitch a lacy border.  I then added a Bear (as you do), the outline of a big city and instead of embroidering random stars I stitched the Ursa Major (Big Bear or Big Dipper) constellation. The bear is approx. 2 inches high so not that 'big' at all. :)


  1. Omg! This is so darn cute!!!!!

  2. Love it! Now you can't just leave us hanging, how did you make that amazing lace? Please tell. Oh and include the entire piece, it's small but mighty!

    1. :) I found some 'lace' examples in an embroidery book called a Rainbow of Stitches (at least I think that was the name) it's a bit like blackwork really.


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