
Monday, March 16

X & Plus part one

Apologies for sharing this non-ironed quilt top attached to a mossy looking garden fence, I hope the overall impression is good. I'm really pleased with it :)  It's a (single) bed quilt but in the photo it's hanging sideways...

About 2,5 years ago I joined a European Quilt Bee and when it was my turn to be Queen Bee I asked my fellow bees to make the X and Plus Block for me (well two blocks actually). I don't think I had many restrictions except for the colours, which as you can see were black, white, grey and a dash of colour here and there.

The blocks I received were fabulous (the only thing I recall that one pair of blocks was 1/2 an inch smaller than the others) but for some reason (new quilt projects probably) I didn't get round to putting together the quilt top. Sewing the quilt top was quite easy really because the blocks are so big (12,5"). Now to decide on how to quilt it....

Next week, in  X & Plus part two,   I will be including links to the tutorial I used and show you what you can do with 'leftovers' from making an X and Plus Quilt!

P.S. Maybe it's time I'd join another bee? Nothing too complicated or ambitious though, I like a relaxed bee. :)  If you have tips for Quilt Bees let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I've been in 3 bees and enjoyed them all, put a call out and see what comes up?!


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