
Monday, August 3

More Simply Shading!

I have so many things to share with you: about the wonderful class I attended in July at the Royal School of Needlework for example and the new/old sewing machine I got for a bargain a couple of months back... But first I need to tell you about the new Simply Shading Workshop that starts mid September!
Example from one of the lessons

You can read all the details here but the long and short of it is: it's an online workshop for 'the uninitiated' about shading with regular six stranded floss. We'll talk colours, stitches and techniques and it's an excellent starting point if you want to know more about shading.

From personal experience I know that there is no greater gift you can give yourself than to learn a new skill!  And, if you use code FREESHADINGSHIPPING * you get free shipping for your kit so even more reasons to sign up soon. :) The kit includes the iron-on Flower and Bird pattern, a floss organiser, fabric and needles.

The workshop concludes mid October so there is  plenty of time to use your new skills to make some extra awesome hand stitched goodies for Christmas. Hope to see you in class soon!

* free shipping offer ends August 12, 2015

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