
Thursday, December 24

Merry Christmas all!

I would like to thank all my blog readers for visiting, sharing and commenting. Hope you all have a Happy Christmas and wishing you a Magical 2010! I'm going to have a little blog break for now but will be back in the New Year. The shop is still open by the way in case you get bored between Christmas and  the New Year... ;)
p.s and a BIG thank you to all my customers as well!  Your support and kind comments are much appreciated! <3


  1. A very merry Christmas to you too, Nicole. :))

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family! I just read the post where you asked for a suggestion for quilt corners and would suggest you check this site .
    It's a PBS program and I her show is very helpful.

  3. Thanks ladies! Melissa thank you for the link too , I will check it out. :)

  4. great little vintage image ...


I <3 comments, so don't be shy!