
Sunday, December 20

More wintery scenes, satin stitch and a storage tub

I was going to take a photo of a bit of satin stitching I did yesterday but was kind of distracted by the wintery scene outside. We currently have quite a lot of snow here and with a bit of luck we will have a White Christmas too. :)

The children had lots of fun in the snow this morning and there was more than enough to produce this snowmen!

Anyway back to the satin stitch. I couldn't resist and started stitching a new pillowcase yesterday (which is also a try out for a new pattern). To transfer the pattern to fabric, I usually stick my patterns on the window, put the fabric on top and trace with a water soluble marker but this time I tried out what I call 'the poor man's lightbox'. Bookwormbethie gave a similar tip on Flickr a while ago. I put a bedside lamp on the floor under an empty clear storage tub, put the pattern and pillowcase on top and it worked absolutely fantastic!


  1. Pretty! But I think I'll take my nice warm summer ;)
    I didn't even think of using a storage tub, I have a million of them! I am lucky to have a glass coffee table and a lamp under that works perfectly.

  2. YEAH!

    I just found your blog-very nice work!! Then saw this picture and it looks almost exactely from my friends home. Do you live in the Netherlands?! I am dutch, moved to the USA three yeasr ago.
    Just curious:-)
    I know my family and friends are all excited about snow back home, I hope you all will have a white Christmas!

  3. I guess it does like very Dutch doesn't it? We're in Rotterdam just moved back this summer from living abroad for a couple of years. :)

  4. I've heard a computer monitor works well too. Just open notepad and maximize it. Should make 95% of the screen white.

    I'm spoiled though, I've had a light box since before I started embroidering. I just use that. :D

  5. Thanks for the hint! I was tracing a pillowcase yesterday with my hubby holding up the pillowcase and me tracing....too much effort. Your way sounds easier!!

  6. How lucky to have that much snow around your it's melting and we'll have a muddy Christmas with lots of rain coming this way.
    I love the poor man's light box idea. I've been looking for a nice light box with no success.
    Merry Christmas!!


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