
Saturday, March 20


Yesterday me and my friend took the train to Amsterdam for a Spring Shopping trip. I was too busy checking out all the lovely shops to take photos. So this is a last-minute-while-we-were-waiting-for-the-tram-to-take us-back-to-the-station-kind-of-photo. ;)  It was a rainy day but that didn't bother us too much. One of the things I purchased is this cute cardi. The roses are bullion stitches isn't that sweet?

I also bought a cute dress with cherries and birds on. :) At the English Bookstore I picked up this book:

The animated movie Coraline, which I loved, was based on this story by Neil Gaiman and I'm very curious about the rest of the stories too! Has any of you read this book?

If you feel like treating yourself to something wonderful too, then check out the e-book Stitch Village. A lovely collection of 5 patterns (for an I pod case, a doll  and an embroidery pattern for example) by Joan of the adorable Nini makes blog. I received my copy last week and it's great and so well written! And if that isn't enough reason to treat yourself to a copy: a percentage of each sold copy goes to charity! :)
Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I love the sweater! And am jealous you spent the day in Amsterdam.

  2. I didn't read this book, but just saw the movie with my daughter, It's great :-)
    I've read Stardust, Anansi boys, American Gods, and Neverwhere all written by Neil Gaiman. If you like his universees and writting style, I can highly recomend these books!
    Love the sweater!

  3. How I love Amsterdam!!!! How I wish I could spend a day there soon!!!

  4. What fun to see this! Nice purchases- thanks for the report!

  5. Oh Nicole, very sweet of you to mention SV. How fantastic to be on an Amsterdam shopping trip - I love your new cardi and book too!

  6. A fun day! I love the cardi (actually I love cardi's in general. It must be the librarian in me. ;-P ). Looks like it is still cold there!

  7. Neil Gaiman is a staple in our family library! Try listening to Coraline on audio book, I think its a little more creepy. I recently read Graveyard Book and loved it.


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