
Sunday, March 21

Oriental Garden and a sad bunny

I just finished this embroidery for the Hoop up! Stitch and send swap. I'm quite content with most of my stitches on this one. The blue, green and brown colour were sent along with the fabric for this swap and I really like how subtle and pretty these colours are in combination with my beloved DMC colour variation 4160 and the white on the rabbit.

But why you may wonder does the title of this post refer to a 'sad bunny'? Well the slightly saddened bunny is me. Yesterday I found a photo of an embroidery on Flickr  in another swap photo pool which was based on one of my patterns. The crafter involved admitted to copying from the photo I posted of my pattern on Flickr and the text beneath her version read that she 'couldn't buy the pattern'. Surely that doesn't make it ok to copy a pattern? I'm not worried about not earning a couple of dollars here but I am worried by the fact that this gives such a wrong signal to other crafters. Or am I alone in thinking this? I'm happy to share some of my patterns and therefore regularly post freebies and actually the embroidery pictured above is inspired on a vintage pattern posted in the Hoop Love group on Flickr. Make use of what is shared, not what is not made public Sorry about the moaning bit here but I felt I needed to say this as for the moment this has seriously put me off creating new things now.


  1. Ugh, I'm sorry. I think some people simply don't understand that doing that is stealing. It's really unfortunate. I think that people who read the "I couldn't buy the pattern" will fall into one of two camps - the majority will see it for what it is (unlawful and unethical), while only a few will think "hey, good idea!" Those few will be people who don't understand the issue and wouldn't have had a problem copying anyway. Long story short, try not to worry too much about it - I don't think the wrong signal sent off will have much of an effect.

  2. well, this is a difficult thing... someone was just talking about this very thing a few weeks ago and so it has been on my mind. as a designer of my own embroidery i most certainly understand but I am afraid that with the huge audience one gets it is unavoidable.still wrong however. I think somehow you just have be so proud of your own incredible gift and YOU do have a gift. this came from your head and your head only and you know it!! In my opinion you are one on the most talented designers I have ever seen!! and I know it!!

  3. Copying is the highest form of flattery. People obviously recognise what an awesome designer you are and wish they could do that themselves! Don't be discouraged, there is always someone somewhere who wants to take advantage... Another girl who knits and has this marvellous blog realized someone had used her pattern for a mass produced item (but not finished to the same standard! so not even doing it justice..) in a major chainstore. She managed to get it removed but it caused her lots of anguish. So it happens... The net is a beautiful thing. We can meet across countries, do things together and have opportunities we never had before. Unfortunately that also means we get more exposed to people who do not mean us well and there will always be such persons. I love your patterns and hope you will keep designing. I am the other way around... I buy them from you and put them away securely... till I have time (and the courage to actually learn the stitches...:-) Still there is space in the folder for a few more so watching impatiently for your next design! Don't let an experience like that get to you!

  4. I was wondering what your tweet was about! I'm so sorry about that. I don't think it sends a message, though, that it's okay to take someone else's designs that aren't made for sharing.

    It really bugs me that she says she couldn't afford the pattern, which was literally just a few dollars, but she can afford to keep up her embroidery. I really just don't believe her.

    I feel like the least she could do is ask you beforehand. But don't worry, I don't think other crafters will be inspired to be less ethical.

  5. Oh that is just wrong! How frustrating! People like that are the exception, not the rule though - don't you think? (as a side note I can't believe she just posted it and admitted to stealing it!). I am so sorry to hear about this but if it makes you feel any better no one has liked one of my designs enough to steal it ;)

  6. I'm so sorry, what a nervy person! If she couldn't afford it, there are plenty of freebies out there, that was just wrong!

  7. Oh, I'm so sorry! I think that some people just don't realize how much work goes into designing a pattern. Inspiration is one thing, but outright stealing is just a bummer!

  8. I'm sorry Nicole. I love your work and wish I could afford more patterns. I just don't hand embroider often enough to warrant buying patterns. So, you can understand how bad I feel that I'm not able to support you more. If there's anything you need me to do just ask.

  9. I really don't understand the 'couldn't buy the pattern' bit. It surely souldn't be that she couldn't afford it because she was participating in a swap (swaps cost $$$), and most likely sending it overseas (more $$$). It's not difficult to sign up to Paypal either. Yes - she had changed the pattern, but it was still recognisably yours.

  10. I'm sorry this has happened! I have been in the same situation. Someone even made a tutorial using one of my designs (and claiming it as their own). Yuck. Some people just don't get it.

    I'm glad you've already moved on. You're an amazing designer! Don't stop creating.

  11. That's really unfortunate - of course it shouldn't have happened. Please don't let it stop you creating, I love watching your designs unfold! Looks like you might need a bunny in a white strapless gown... (hehehe)

  12. Nicole, I'm so saddened to read this. I saw the photo you are talking about too and I wondered about how she couldn't afford that if she was mailing it out internationally for a swap project! I hope this doesn't discourage you from continuing to design as you are one of my favorite embroidery designers!

  13. Your oriental garden is coming along beautifully !

    So sorry that some out there are not understanding how their actions
    (taking one of your patterns without any consent or without purchasing) makes you feel :-( . I've seen 2 pictures of dif. persons using the Alphabet Tree Girl pattern this way. It is not right ! (Perhaps by you leaving a comment making it clear that what they are doing is not right may send the message home ? )

    I'm so happy to say that I own this pattern (along with others) and that I bought it from you ! Your patterns are beautiful ... you are a great artist and designer ! :-D


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