
Sunday, March 21

Sad bunny no more: 5 faves

Thanks all for your sweet and thoughtful comments on my last post. I was just a bit ehm...not amused about it all. But.... as Pumba from the Lion King says 'you've got to put your behind in your past' so to end the day on a happy note I'm playing along in the Meet me at Mikes 5 faves.

1. The cd Alice by Tom Waits. It has been on my Ipod non stop last week. Later this week I'm sharing something I made inspired by this cd.
2. My favourite shop to buy clothes! I bought the cardi there I showed a couple of days ago. Good news is that they also send abroad.
3.Etsy items like this one.
4.The tower of blocks my 4 year old built this afternoon with much patience and dedication:

5 And of course: Pumba, source of infinite wisdom


  1. Lovely five Nicole, these four year olds are very inspiring.

  2. What a gorgeous little thing she is! And Alice is an excellent album!


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