
Wednesday, March 24

Stitching Bunnies & Birthdays

In the next couple of weeks I'm writing a couple of posts on the Crafty Bird weblog giving some online stitching lessons for embroidery newbies! I'm not claiming to be an expert but I think I know enough to help aspiring embroiders on their way with their first project. :) Please feel free to comment and add information on these posts because I know many of you are super talented embroiders with a wealth of embroidery knowledge to share!
p.s. If you'd like you can vote in my Birthday poll (in the sidebar on the left).If you choose 'other' please explain yourself in the comments to this post! ;)
p.s. p.s.  I'll be back later today or tomorrow with another post, but must now go and prepare dinner!


  1. What a kind bunny to give something away on YOUR birthday!! Hope someone there is giving you something extra-super special!!

  2. Yes, it is very Zen of you to give something away on your birthday! :) When it comes, I hope you have a lovely, lovely day full of love, light and laughter!


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