
Wednesday, March 10

My Bed is a Boat the name of my new pattern, and I'm very excited about it. I hope to have it in the shop next week! The idea for the pattern came from the R.L. Stevenson poem My Bed is a Boat. And that is exactly what I used to pretend when I was younger. :)

I made some sketches months ago after I read the poem but when one my fellow Hoop up! Stitch and Send stitchers Marilyn came up with her 'Sweet dreams' theme I just had to make it into an embroidery pattern and embroider it for her. Right now the embroidery is not finished yet but I'd love to hear what you all think of it! (and yes, I know you can't see all the details yet...)


  1. I agree! There isn't enough boy embroidery and would love to do some for my sons as well! You come up with some of the most whimsical designs, I love it!

  2. Love this! When I was little, I used to lie in bed and pretend I was in a swan shaped boat (with feathers and everything ;-) that was floating gently down a river, or sometimes flying above the trees. Hmmmmm, that gives me an idea for an embroidery, I think?

  3. What a wonderful idea! Just perfect: your interpretation! I think I remember as a child, thinking more of R. L. Stev.'s "land of counterpane" for the bed, if I was sick. I also made it into "school" for all my dolls and stuffed animals.

  4. I love this :)

    I think I love even more that it's based on a poem with great meaning to you!

  5. I love this one, the whole them relaxed me as soon as I saw it! It reminds me of childhood holidays lying on an old cane lounge and falling asleep listening to the masts ringing on moored boats.

  6. Such a great idea. I sometimes still pretend my bed is a boat. Or an airplane! (depending on the mood)
    You do the loveliest embroidery.

  7. Estimada amiga hoy estando paseando por este bello mundo de las amigas bloqueras , me he encontrado contigo ,la felicito por tus bor dados estan lindicimos, un fuerte abrazo a la distancia y qwue Dios te bendiga.


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