
Saturday, March 13

Pattern Loot

I received these lovelies in the mail today and yesterday. I had a small shopping spree on Ebay last week bidding on various lots of vintage embroidery patterns. I especially was interested in the Peacock Pattern on the left. It's a huge sheet with all sorts of Peacock Patterns on in pristine condition. The pattern with the kitties was in the same lot and is very cute. I'm also very pleased with the Aunt Martha Jacobean Bird Pattern which was send along with the whimsical ('gay south of the border motifs') Vogart pattern. The Bird Pattern is for crewel embroidery but I think these images work perfectly for 'normal' embroidery too. I also won an other lot which held several patterns but I will share those with you later because they haven't arrived yet.

I really intend to use some of these patterns but as they are uncut and unused I will either scan them and use the scanned image or I will just draw my own pattern inspired by these images! So now I'd love to know: what is your latest pattern purchase and what are you going to do with it?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, those look fun, Nicole! Can't wait to see what you make with them.
    I just posted about your blog and linked to you. Hope this is okay?! You can see it here:



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